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can't find my companions


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I came to caesar's tent and i could n't go in alone even if i let my companions wait for a mile away. I send them to the lucky 38 but one i found at the door of the ford he followed me around but suddenly disappeard. The other one i send also to the lucky 38 but the never showed up there and can't find him anywhere.

Where are my compianions, do they turn up evenutally or are they lost forever. The buddies are stuffed with goodies so this is a real pain.

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I came to caesar's tent and i could n't go in alone even if i let my companions wait for a mile away. I send them to the lucky 38 but one i found at the door of the ford he followed me around but suddenly disappeard. The other one i send also to the lucky 38 but the never showed up there and can't find him anywhere.

Where are my compianions, do they turn up evenutally or are they lost forever. The buddies are stuffed with goodies so this is a real pain.


i think that if your companions go back to the lucky 38 they disappear do to a bug, or they may have died trying to get to the lucky 38


edit: which companions do you have? cause you may be able to use prid and move them to you if you have their ref id

Edited by hollowman125
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chances are they are at the last point you teleported to like throu a gate or back by the raft


follow your path backwards and they usually show up.


sometimes they try to follow on foot and get trapped behind barriers or objects and dont have a clear path to rweturn to you so wonder around where you last saw them and most of the time they show up after a while


the more stuff you give them the slower they are at following you so if overloaded they have to take long way around things instead of normally just jumping up



i found that veronica will often vanish on you if you give her a lot of stuff so if i need her to carry stuff i go straight to a trader to unload it all. this has helped me not have anymore vanishing companion issues so far.

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yep, glad you got em back and in the future if all else fails just go back to a hard save when they were still there


when i do this i back up just enough to see the companions in front of me when i save so when i later choose a save, i can see them to know they were there at that point.


the game is more flakey with companions so make hard saves at the level up points so your protected against glitches like this :thumbsup:

Edited by webster63
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