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Help with Different colors for different HUD element


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Hello, so im pretty ignorant when it comes to editing xml files to change hud elements and after a lot of searching i havent really found a solid answer to what im looking for. so i figured id just go ahead and make a post on the forums and see what kinda of feedback i get.


im hoping someone can help me figure out how to change the color of the warning/alert texts and enemy health in game from Red to any desired color. i want to change my hud color to red but the warning/alert text and the enemy health makes that a bit of a pain in the butt. currently im using darnified ui and ive been diging around in the xml files trying to figure it out for myself but honestly i have no idea what im doing. ive found quite a bit of stuff such as


<!-- The colors for gfx and text can be configured separately. Used if _HUDOverrideColor = 0 -->
<_HUDRed> 255 </_HUDRed> <!-- HUD Gfx Color 120 -->
<_HUDGreen> 240 </_HUDGreen>
<_HUDBlue> 0 </_HUDBlue>

<_HUDTxtRed> 255 </_HUDTxtRed> <!-- [197] HUD Text Color -->
<_HUDTxtGreen> 204 </_HUDTxtGreen> <!-- [255] -->
<_HUDTxtBlue> 0 </_HUDTxtBlue> <!-- [255] -->

<!-- These colors are used as warning/alert colors for the meters when _HUDDynamicColors = 0 -->
<_HUDWarnRed> 255 </_HUDWarnRed> <!-- [190] Warning, red component -->
<_HUDWarnGreen> 204 </_HUDWarnGreen> <!-- [140] Warning, green component -->
<_HUDWarnBlue> 0 </_HUDWarnBlue> <!-- [0] Warning, blue component -->

<_HUDAlertRed> 255 </_HUDAlertRed> <!-- [200] Alert, red component -->
<_HUDAlertGreen> 204 </_HUDAlertGreen> <!-- [10] Alert, green component -->
<_HUDAlertBlue> 0 </_HUDAlertBlue> <!-- [0] Alert, blue component -->


as you can see i tried to change it to a bright yellow, all ive managed to do is change the hud itself rather then the alert text. i also played around with a few other xml files that had some enemy hp settings in it trying to get those to a different color as well with no avail, because as i mentioned earlier red text with a red hud = headache. also i should mention ive tried changing things in the ini files as well as some posts ive read suggested doing. that also did not work. so im pretty much at the end of the rope here and i have no idea what to do.



so any help would be greatly appreciated im really pretty clueless when it comes to this stuff..


thanks in advance.

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