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LOD creation Objects don't show


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I have tried to create LOD for my custom worldspace. (Raven Castle) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59231/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D59231%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D2209764&pUp=1


I'm following this guide:


I do everything he describes except installing the files from Oscape in another folder that I then install seperatly with NMM. To make sure I can uninstall it again. Everytime I generate the LOD I see the land on the map and in the distance. But mountains and trees do not show in the distance. I've tried generating the object LOD again. With the result that I can see the mountains on the world map. But this time the land have disappeared and there's still no visual LOD for the mountains.


Is there a specific order this has to be done in or am I missing something that he isn't telling in the tutorial?

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Are you moving the right files from your source to your data folder, and even so you shouldnt lose one or the other, do you gen trees and obj at the same time, that bugs me sometimes. I followed that tutorial to the T 18 months ago and thusfar have genned LOD for Discworld dozens and dozens of times with almost 100% success so it is not the tutorial at fault I can vouch for that.

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I didn't suspect it to be Either. I generate the object LOD first then generate the tree LOD after. Should that be at the same time?


I have saved these files in the game.




Meshes-terrain-RavenCastleGrounds- Containing a bunch of "RavenCastleGrounds.4.0.0.btr" (different number at the end of each file.)


Textures-Terrain-RavenCastleGrounds- textures for the files above-Land-Object-Trees. The Land folder is empty though. In the trees folder there's this file "RavenCastleGroundstreelod.dds" and in the object folder there these two files. "RavenCastleGrounds.Objects.DDS" and "RavenCastleGrounds.Objects_n.DDS"


As far as I could see that should be all the I needed.

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The obj and tree gen in the CK is perfect. I generate LOD for my own project, at least 25+ times, and for 5 others so far. 0 issues witht he CK's tree and obj LOD so saying it's a bugged mess is a bit misleading. Doing a step wrong etc will make it a bugged mess but then that onus lies on the person not the program, in this respect the CK works just fine.

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