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Creatures that can sleep?


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A new question for everyone.


Anyone every found a way to get creatures to sleep, as in lie down and stop moving.


I've got this guard dog and I've got his package set up to go into his Kennel at a set time, etc. But he just stands there wagging his tail away like mad. I'm not a dog owner, but I don't think that's normal for sleeping dogs =P


Anyways, my only thought on how to do this might be to setup a trigger to drain all his health - making him effectively dead, and therefore lying down. maybe this would work.


Anyone have a better solution?

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You would either have to give him a new animation , or make him unconscious throughout the time period where you want him to sleep http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


I tried the SetUnconscious flag and it didn't seem to work. Right now I'm using a 2nd 'dead' version that's enabled on package end. But I'm having problems with which script on which creature should do what enabling, lol


God, why do I always want to do the nearly impossible s***? *sigh*


Reference Scripts for people to pick apart:


Normal Version:

ScriptName 00WolfgangScript

ref WolfgangRef
ref WolfgangSleepingRef

Begin OnPackageDone 9WolfgangSleepTravel
WolfgangSleepingRef.setunconscious 1


Sleeping Version:

ScriptName 00WolfgangSleepScript

ref WolfgangRef
ref WolfgangSleepingRef

Begin Gamemode
If gamehour >= 6


PS also concerned about Save Game bloat - will this script have any effect?

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If you unpack the Oblivion meshes bsa you'll find animations for dogs that are unused in the game.




There was an old pre-release video showing them working in the game, or it was just a teaser, but they don't work now. I suppose it was due to not enough time or too much hype for the non existent Radiant AI.


They are:


Sleep and Look around

Start to eat


sniff - the ground


standup (which is a long animation where the dog begs and walks on it's back legs and has special sounds attached.)


I've been trying to get the eating ones to work for ages without success. They all seemed to be linked,,ie..beg, start eat and then eat, which needs either a complex script or package. I posted a long time ago on the Beth forums after these animations were bought to my notice. Several people offered to help, but that never happened. Every so often I have another look at them, but I want them to work with my companion system and if not I won't bother with it anymore.


The others work fine if set up as Special Idles. You can get some info on how to do that here:





Then you'd need to check out packages if you want these to work in a particular order or time scale. There shouldn't be any need for scripts depending on what you want to do.


Good luck. :laugh:

Edited by Maigrets
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