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No menus or mouse cursor


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I have followed the Fear and Loathing in New Vegas STEP guide all the way to the end. Everything was going smooth until the last few steps that I didn't try lanching the game to make sure it worked. I actually believe having LOOT try to organize my load order messed it up. My problem is like the title says. I see no menus and have no mouse cursor when I load the game up. However, when I load it up vanilla, it works just fine so I'm positive it's one of the mods.


My load order organized by LOOT:

Edited by AtomicFire7
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So I read the beginner's guide here and I did not know about using WryeFlash to help the load order. I've done that the best I can now, but I'm having a problem with almost all the project nevada esp and esms. They are all orange because they want a different configuration of the DLC esms than what's normal and what all the other mods want. Also, They want me to load the cyberware and rebalance esps ahead of the extra options esm, which I actually was able to do since they are all marked bold. However, I assume they're still orange because extra options is an esm and will automatically load before the esps? And on top of all that, the wmx-eve all dlc merged wants me to put the wmx and eve fnv all dlc esps ahead of the DLC esms. This is madness I say! Any help would be appreciated. Basically, I'm just down to figuring how to configure project nevada for the load order.


I'm still baffled why I get no menu or mouse cursor when starting the game. I know it has to do with one of the mods. I don't think it's related to load order, but I could be wrong.

Edited by AtomicFire7
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