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Doc Mitchell Glitch due to mods


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Every time I load up a new game with mods, Doc Mitchell has items stuck to him such as a broom, a crate, and other items. I use multiple mods in Fallout NV and I can't figure out witch one is causing this annoying glitch.


He can't move if I use Roleplayers Alternative Start because he is just at his front door in which I will be stuck inside him and can't move. I tried using TLC command but it does not work at all. If I don't use Alternative Start he will have the same problem with items stuck to him. It causes the game to be really laggy inside his house. The reason I want to know how to fix it is because there are items in his house I need from a mod.


Here's the list of mods I have (Not in load order, I do use BOSS and FNVedit to fix to load order)

-Centered 3rd Person Camera

-Enhanced Camera


-Weapon Animation Replacer

-Cornucopia Grocery Store


-NVinteriors Wasteland Edition

-NVinteriors Urban Edition

-Alternative Start


Cheat mods (Don't judge me)

-Cheat Boy

-Cheat Terminal

-Easy Unlocking, Hacking, Pickpocket

-Levelers House

-No Degradation


-Courier Vests

-High Desert Tactical clothing

-Unlimited Companions

-Craft Pack

-Game Settings

-Mod Configuration Menu + MCM Bug Fix


-Glowing Star Bottle cap

-Populated Casinos

-The Weapon Mod Menu


-All of the More Perks and Traits mod

-Two Perks per Level

-Underground Hideout

-Project Nevada

-Someguy Series with Bounties I and II + New Vegas Killer

-Improved Sound FX


-One HUD

-Radar HUD




-Signature Weapons

-Weapons of the New Millenia


That's all I have. If you have any of these mods installed and I have the same problem, Please tell if you know how fix it. Because I don't want to be the only one with this problem

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