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Script that checks the "Equipment Slot"


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Guys,i like to know if there is a easy and quickly way (because i'm very bad on scripts) to create a script that checks if a "equipment slot" is occupied and, if it's true, add a perk to the player.

My objective is to create a script that checks if the "mouth object" it's occupied then gives to the player a perk that reduces the AP recovery.

Something like:

if "PlayerHasMouthObjectSlotOccupied" == 1
player.addperk APRecoveryPerk
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Check out NVSE's GetEquipmentSlotsMask. Just FYI though, it uses a bitmask. Here is an example;


To check if some equipment is using the "eyeglasses" slot (bit 11):

int BitMask

set BitMask to GetEquipmentSlotsMask SomeItem


if BitMask == (SetBit BitMask, 11)

; SomeItem uses the "eyeglasses" slot.

; (BitMask compares equal to itself with bit 11 set, so bit 11 is already set)



I'm not adapt at scripting so you may need someone more knowledgeable if you require more info about the function.

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