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Have you looked in the Options tab in game. You change your keys there, I've never changed the esc button so can't remember if you can do it. However, that's were I change my keys so have a go.


Let me know if it works.



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Heyas aariq! Welcome to the nexus!

Tho I'm afraid that I may have bad news for you on the information that you're looking for. The ESC key keeps up with the same function of skipping the dialogs, as it does with skipping the splash screens when the game starts up. Which means that that particular function may be coded into the game engine itself, and not able to change it.


I checked in the keybindings.ini file, located in C:\Users\"YourUserName"\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings and opened that file using notepad.exe


the ONLY line that I found for the ESC was this- ToggleMainMenu_0=Keyboard::Button_Escape

which is the setting for which key opens the menu for save, save as, resume, options, stuff like that.

Edit- and yeah... I did go hunting thru the documents AND install directories looking for any file that might control that :(

Edited by DarkeWolf
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aariq- Not a problem. Your question sparked my curiosity, so it became one of those things that I just "had" to check out.

I am sorry tho that I couldnt find the setting for that. But hopefully sometime an answer will come.


Have fun!


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If you feel REALLY strongly about it, you might see if there's a way to use the approach taken in this mod: "Highlight Toggle", to do what you want.


But since the Spacebar is already assigned as the "Pause" key, (and I KEEP trying to use it that way in ME2!) you may have to re-assign that as well.

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