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Blender export problem ?


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Hello everyone.


I am actually making an armor for my character, by putting together some pieces of armor i like in Nifskope. That part worked great, an I was able to get it into the game with no problems.


Trouble knocked at the door when I decided to tweak a piece of the armor in Blender.


Importing, editing, and exporting went just fine, I replace the edited mesh in Nifskope where everything shows to be here textured and all, but when I import the piece of armor I edited into the game, it just doesn't show, all I get instead is a transparent nothing xD


I am exporting my mesh with the default Fallout 3 settings from Blender.


Does anyone have an idea of what the problem could be ?

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I am not sure, as i have only done furniture in blender, but have you looked at the file structure in nifskope? Is it still the same as before? Otherwise it could be missing files or for a more in depth view you can also go ahead and checkout the nexus wiki for the fallout 3 armor tutorial. Edited by Nadimos
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Make sure it has shadowmap shaderflag selected on the bsshaderpplightingproperties of the nitristrips nodes.


Checked it and it's there


even tried with applying shadow_map and sf_window_environment_mapping like I found in the tutorial on the wiki, but still shows nothing.


I tried importing/exporting the original mesh I wanted just to check if I didn't do something stupid the first time and I got the same result, doesn't show ingame.


tried exporting with the default settings and those ones :




always the same result, showing ok in Nifskope, but nowhere else.

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