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Oblivion Hotkey Mod


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Hello everyone!


I am very new to the whole Oblivion Modding community, altho i have played The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for a few years now.. i just picked it up again.

i have always had a problem with the game on PC (my biggest and probably only problem is that it doesn't have "Hoykey freedom" for the pc) they kept the game pretty much untouched on all platforms, which is a shame really.


i'm not going to give any more ranting... i have installed OBMM and i have tried installing "Enhanced Hotkey etc etc" it said it was compatible with OBMM.. here is the screenshot.




when i start the game it doesn't show anything.. here's a link to the this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34735


i'm not a big fan of changing sprites and sheets and modding anything about a game, but the way hotkeys work on Oblivion for the pc is just basically forcing me to do this..

i absolutely love that game and the biggest flaw is the hotkeys.. if any of you guys have a very simple tutorial (or step by step explanation) on how to get that mod to work it would be very much appreciated.


(i apologize if this question has been already answered, couldn't find a good topic about this)

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All mods are compatible with OBMM, it is a mod manager. It also says it requires OBSE - which is the script extender.


You MUST get and install OBSE for that mod to work. Be sure to read the documentation as OBSE is not a mod and does not install like a mod.

OBSE: http://obse.silverlock.org/

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so i don't really need OBMM?? i am really confused right now... i never bother doing modding, and that's purely because of this... xD i get confused at what to do because there are 1 billion ways to do it.. and i have to learn stuff i really don't want to bother learning.. i just want to play the game... meh.. this sucks.. thanks a lot for the help tho, i really appreciate you're time.. Edited by Disoblige
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As you have already installed the mod as an OBMM OMOD, yes you do need it. But you also need the OBSE. They will work together well. OBSE must always be started before Oblivion, and OBMM will automatically do that if you use the 'Launch Oblivion' button included in OBMM. OBSE must already be installed for that to work.


You cannot use OBMM to install OBSE as OBSE is not a mod but a script extender program that adds functions to the Oblivion program. It must be installed separately.


Now that you have learned how to use OBMM to install mods as OMODs it will make it easier to work with the mods when you have a lot of them. :thumbsup:

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I got it to work... thanks a lot for your help! and NOW!! back to playing the game! so dissapointed bethesda didn't think about this issue before they released it on the PC so people like me don't need to bother going through the trouble of getting mods like this in the first place.. and i am not planning on getting more mods tho, so OMODS was kinda not needed in the beginning.. is it possible to uninstall Oblivion entirely and just install OBSE and Hotkey mod?? since i'm not going to get anything else? Edited by Disoblige
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Bethesda did think of this - that's why they gave us the Construction set for the PC version.

http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-dance009.gif http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-dance011.gif http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-dance017.gif

The console version doesn't have it.


If you do remove OBMM, you will have to reinstall your mod and learn how to install mods a different way. And find another way to start OBSE before starting Oblivion (OBSE has an OBSE launcher for that)


Plus, now that you have discovered mods, I predict you will be installing more. It's addictive. :thumbsup:

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