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Annoying bug with dates


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I just noticed this bug, and it's rather irritating - now I realise the cause for some of my annoyances so far.


Whenever I start a new game session, the day always is set to Sunday, regardless of what the actual in-game date is. This seems to apply to all of my saves.


I'd deal with it, because it's pretty minor for a bug, but unfortunately it means if I want a vendor restock, I have to play for 3 in-game days before the Wednesday restock happens. If the game crashes, or I quit the game, I'm out of luck.


This could also be why I get so few Archimedes 2 shots - I've only fired once, and that was about 6 in-game days ago, and I still only have one shot in my inventory.


Also aggravating this is that I run the game at 12:1 timescale... I do prefer it this way, but it makes waiting for a restock or an Archimedes recharge even more annoying.


I've tried looking around a few sites for a solution, so if the solution is obvious, I'd like to hear it.


If a fix is possible, I'd like to do it in a way that still allows me to get the Steam achievements. :S


Thanks for any help.

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