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Ok the first time I played Oblivion it was cool but I got pissed off by the leveling world with you and no rewarding effect so I left Oblivion in a corner...


I just discovered some new mods now which are OOO and Francesco...The question here is which one is better, I want a rewarding world and sense of suprise and no stupid bandits dropping glass armor and elevn stuffe


Second, I want to add more mods to one of these, I discovered MMM which look really nice but I was wondering if it will conflict(or which order to load them because i d'ont have a clue to what load first)...and if you can give me a little list of good mods to use with OOO or francesco that add quest , life and fun to the game, fell free to tell me


Thrid question is that if I download mods that adds new NPC and new Creature (like MMM) and I add the mod with OOO or Francesco will the mod take count of OOO or francesco leveling system or will the enemy take count of the normal oblivion leveling system (creature level with you and bandits with glass armor)...


Thank for anwsering


P.S: Sorry for english it my third langguage so I am not so good...

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After several hundred hours of play I have moved away from Oblivion as I found doing the same quest 3 times plus too gutty, however....


When faced with the same choice as you have I chose Fransesco's mod with the 12 point leveling option. Still carries my whole hearted recommendation.


Both mods though are higly regarded.


Hope it helps and enjoy.

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