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Lore Friendly Brotherhood Main Quest Mod;


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I have decided to replay Fallout 3, but one thing that always bothered me was the lore. I would mod this myself if I was capable.



Nonetheless, my simple request is that someone make a more lore friendly Brotherhood in the main quest. That means that the Outcasts are switched with The Brotherhood of the main story. I think a simple switch of the armor and maybe dialogue mentions of them being outcast if possible would make the lore a little more in tune with classic Fallout lore.


Name changes would be great too in having main story Brotherhood grunts called Brotherhood Outcasts and the Outcasts for Operation Anchorage being called Brotherhood of Steel, etc.



A side with the Enclave mod would be great as well, but doesn’t seem the interest is there and most the Enclave mods have vanished from Fallout 3.

Edited by Trappedintime00
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