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Time fly's by


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ok so I resurrected my FO 3 to play until FP 4 is release. I have been having a few issues , type3 body replacer does not seem to work, I installed the Lucy West mod, completed the quest, and she's nowhere to be found?


But I biggest issue now is the time cycle through in a matter of seconds , I mean from dust to dawn in 4 Real Time seconds. I come out of my mini hideaway and the time just flies by as I stand out side.


The last thing I did was insure the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa is in my steam/steamapp/common/fallout3/data folder..


Any Ideas on this or can someone tell me where you can set the timespace continuum?

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There is a Global setting called Timescale. The default setting is 30 (1 minute of real time = 30 minutes in game). It sounds like you have a mod that drastically changes that. You have two options for slowing time down:


1. Find the mod that speeds it up and change the Timescale global to something else.


2. While playing the game, open console mode (press the ~ key) and type Set Timescale to xx (where xx is what you want the timescale to be).


If you go with option 1, you will only have to do this once (unless you download another mod that alters the timescale and overrides the change).


If you go with option 2, you'll have to do that every time you start a new character.

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