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Circle Tower Problem


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Ok so I have a bad problem but before I start I have to say one thing so that people who feel like reading this but haven't made it this far can't complain...



Well I went into the tower, got to Wynne, then had her "destroy" the barrier. The thing is it seems to still be there. The barrier has disappeared or maybe just became invisible but I can not walk through that doorway.



Help me please! I tried reloading and starting from earlier but it just happens every time!

Thanks :sad:

Edited by K00L
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Ok so I have a bad problem but before I start I have to say one thing so that people who feel like reading this but haven't made it this far can't complain...









Spoilers Ahead!








Well I went into the tower, got to Wynne, then had her "destroy" the barrier. The thing is it seems to still be there. The barrier has disappeared or maybe just became invisible but I can not walk through that doorway.



Help me please! I tried reloading and starting from earlier but it just happens every time!

Thanks :sad:

(Fixed that for ya', without the shouting.)


Short answer is that either a) you have a software hiccough that has caused something to get stuck, or b) you haven't triggered something required to advance through that doorway.


When you say you've re-loaded and tried again, how far back did you restart? Before getting Gregoire's permission to try? That would be my recommendation, since that's the point at which a number of plot-flags get set based on your responses to him.

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:P Lol thanks I forgot you could do the spoiler boxes. And yeah I've reloaded before I even got into the tower and also when I already had his permission. I'm not sure why this happened I talked to Wynne and she joined then I walked up to the barrier and it started the conversation.
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Then the next fix I know of for this sort of issue is the Teleport Console Command ("runscript zz_jump_around") to hop past the sticking point. Also useful when you've somehow gotten trapped in corner with an NPC blocking your way and they refuse to budge. :thumbsup:
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Ohhh I didn't even think about that. I had to use that earlier somewhere, wow...

Hey thanks for the help

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o.o Ok something really strange just happened. I maximized Dragon Age again, un-paused and walked towards the door again, this time it let me walk through!

I know I wasn't just imagining not being able to get through...

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Well now I have a problem in The Fade.


I made it to Sloth, but once I defeat his final form the game crashes....

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Well I made it past that now...

And the entire tower...

And hooolllllyyyy sh** that boss was hard. Plus I said something mean on accident to a certain follower and then had to kill that follower.

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Well I made it past that now...

And the entire tower...

And hooolllllyyyy sh** that boss was hard. Plus I said something mean on accident to a certain follower and then had to kill that follower.

:blink: :huh: :ohmy: :wacko:

I can't imagine what you might have said that would lead to such a necessity.

No, really... WHAT did you say?


(Oh, and could you go back and edit your original post to put in the [ spoiler ] ... [ /spoiler ] tags? That way you don't shout at everyone who opens this thread. Thx!)

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The "get stuck at certain points and I can't go past" issue happens to me, too: in the Mage Tower, in the Deep Roads, and possibly one other place that I can't recall off the top of my head.


Simpe fix is to change characters and get that companion to go past the point your PC can't - eventually your character will jump to catch up and you're home free.

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