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The GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude Command


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So, I have a script effect that I put in magnitude and duration numbers for, and I have a script setup that has this in it:


short spellindex		
short spellduration
short spellmagnitude

set spellindex to GetScriptActiveEffectIndex
set spellduration to (GetNthActiveEffectDuration spellindex)
set spellmagnitude to (GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude spellindex)


The spellduration variable gets set right, but no matter what I tweak around, the spellmagnitude does not.


I did a goo-gal search and found this forum: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/207435-oblivion-magic-extender-endorsements/page__st__20

It stated that it was bugged out (around page 3).


Anyone know of a way around it now? That was 7ish months ago.


In summary, I just want to get the magnitude assigned to my script effect without referring to another spell effect's magnitude.


(As of now, my paired Turn Undead spell effect's magnitude is varying depending on the creature I cast it on (don't know why), which is why I want to get a solid unwavering magnitude. I thought the script effect's magnitude would be the perfect place.)

Edited by Leviathan1753
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