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Mod Orgranizer and Archive Invalidation Textures Problem - Solved

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Just starting doing a new Fallout load out and came across an interesting problem:


When installing texture mods like NMC or Dimonized there seems to be missing textures when using MO; black underwear, those types of things.


After trying many different things: directly installing the textures in the "Data" folder and running FO3 through it's launcher and the new textures appeared ok. Use MO to handle everything and it doesn't work.


One fix was to uncheck all mods, let FO3 crash, then recheck everything. This worked, but not because they were checked/unchecked directly. It worked because - after FO3 crashes and returns control back to MO, MO moves the "Invalidated.bsa" file above the vanilla ones (almost like it's now putting it in alphabetical order) in the "data" section of the "Archives" tab. Move that file down below the vanilla ".bsas" and it's back to having texture problems.


When you check "automatic archive invalidation" for the profile, it puts the invalidated.bsa below the vanilla ones automatically. It needs to be first. As this is the only difference I see in getting the textures to work correctly through MO.


Even if the ini has the correct order listed, MO needs to have the invalidate.bsa (the one created by checking the 'automatic archive invalidation' for the profile) manually moved to be first in the list.


Hope that helps!



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Perfect. I found a way to do it very easily ( tested on MO version 1.3.8 )


  1. Check Archive invalidation in profile if not already the case
  2. Check Let MO manage archives if not already the case
  3. Uncheck everything in Archives tab except Invalidation.bsa (well no problem for this one since its greyed afterall)
  4. Uncheck Let MO manage archives -> Invalidation.bsa moves to top by itself!!
  5. Check Let MO manage archives and check again every archive

Or even faster: leave MO, edit archives.txt in the profile's folder. Cut/paste the line with "Fallout - Invalidation.bsa" to right place (so under Fallout - Voices.bsa). Save the file. Restart MO. Will work with any other archive obviously.

And that's it. Enjoy.

Edited by backslash33
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