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Script request


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Im looking to be able to add the Mehrunes Razor Daedric Banishing type of effect to a sword of mine. ive been working on it but im not well versed in scripting to get it to work. All i need is someone good enough in scripting to modify the following script.


scn MehrunesRazorSCRIPT


short RandomChance ; Prep our Dice roll

float LuckMod ; High-Luck PC's do better


begin ScriptEffectStart

if isEssential == 0 ;Don't waste time on essential characters or the PC

if GetInFaction OblivionCreatures == 0 ; protects Mehrunes Dagon and other such enemies


set RandomChance to getRandomPercent

set LuckMod to player.getAV Luck ; Luck Chance

set LuckMod to LuckMod * 0.05

if LuckMod < 1 ; In case the PC is really un-lucky

set LuckMod to 1



if LuckMod > 10

set LuckMod to 10 ; Never greater than 10% chance allowed




;Message "Rolled %.0f against %.0f percent Chance",RandomChance,LuckMod,1


if RandomChance <= LuckMod ; Check against dice roll

kill player ; Make 'em deader

set DL9MehrunesQuest.DL9SoulTotal to DL9MehrunesQuest.DL9SoulTotal + 1 ; Kills ++


if DL9MehrunesQuest.DL9SoulTotal <= 1

Message "Through the Razor, Mehrunes Dagon claims this soul!" ; Unique Message for Kill #1


message "Dagon claims this soul! %.0f souls claimed.",DL9MehrunesQuest.DL9SoulTotal,1 ; Ominous Text of doom




endif ; Commented w/Daily Check lines




the sword im trying to use is a model of the Soul Reaver that i got off the site that lingarn put up so instead of "Through the Razor, Mehrunes Dagon claims this soul!" and "Dagon claims this soul!" it can say "Through the Reaver another Soul is devoured!" and "The Reaver tears this soul into the Void!"


Im trying to do this without actually altering the original script or in anyway messing with the Daedric Banishing power the razor has. Any help would be much appreciated.

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just make a new script, copy this script and paste it there, rename it to whatever you want, and change the lines however you want (the messages)


then just make a new enchantment for weapons, that uses the new script as a script effect


it's really that easy


ive tried that but i cant get it to work. renaming it makes it not match up with something in the script and like i said im not good enough to recognize where the issue is.

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oh, well, after looking at the script again, it is going to be quite a problem to do as you ask, as it requires several new things


basically, you will need to make a new quest instead of the one this blade uses (unless you want both to have the same count), and then modify the script

so it's more work than i thought


i can't do this at all, as i don't have the specific expansion needed, but it's probably quite a bit of problem doing this

i'll look into this a bit more, however


looked into another weapon that had a complicated script that counts kills and such, and it's really complicated to do this, which requires a new quest and some serious scripting (though in your case, most of the script is ready for your usage)

still, it requires some knowledge and a bit of work to do this

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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I used to have all the expansions, but someone decided to delete them (brother *cough*)... I would suggest these:


1. Make new quest.

2. Make quest script.


Make sure that the place where it says Object is Quest.


scn ReaverQuestEffect

short ReaverCount

;I didn't know if you wanted an enchantment boost when you get a certain amount, but I included an example just in case you do) If you do, delete this line and all between short ReaverDays and short ReaverCount.

short ReaverDays
float FQuestDelayTime

Begin GameMode

set FQuestDelayTime to 0.1

if (ReaverCount == # of souls)
Message "The Soul Reaver's power has grown."
Player.RemoveItem ReaverIDWeaker 1
Player.AddItem ReaverIDStronger 1
Set ReaverDays to GameDaysPassed

if (ReaverDays == 1)
Message "The Soul Reaver was left unquenched, weakening."
Player.RemoveItem ReaverIDStronger 1
Player.AddItem ReaverIDWeaker 1
Set ReaverDays to 0
Set ReaverCount to 0


3. Create the enchantment script.


scn ReaverENCHScript

short RandomChance ; Prep our Dice roll
float LuckMod ; High-Luck PC's do better

begin ScriptEffectStart
if isEssential == 0 ;Don't waste time on essential characters or the PC
if GetInFaction OblivionCreatures == 0 ; protects Mehrunes Dagon and other such enemies

set RandomChance to getRandomPercent 
set LuckMod to player.getAV Luck ; Luck Chance
set LuckMod to LuckMod * 0.05
if LuckMod < 1 ; In case the PC is really un-lucky
set LuckMod to 1 

if LuckMod > 10
set LuckMod to 10 ; Never greater than 10% chance allowed 

;Message "Rolled %.0f against %.0f percent Chance",RandomChance,LuckMod,1

if RandomChance <= LuckMod ; Check against dice roll
kill player ; Make 'em deader
set ReaverQuest.ReaverCount to ReaverQuest.ReaverCount +1 ; Kills ++ 

if ReaverQuest.ReaverCount >= 1
Message "The Reaver devours this soul!" ;Message for kill 1
message "The Reaver tears this soul into the void! %.0f souls claimed.", ReaverQuest.ReaverCount,1 ; Ominous Text of doom
endif ; Commented w/Daily Check lines


That should work. The second is the enchantment script of course. Tell me how it goes.

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