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Anyone able to link me a spell tutorial


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Im looking to make a few new spell shape shifts to replace the s***ty ones in game. Im not a professional coder by any means but ive dabbled in various languages. Modded some simpler games like NWN and s*** and ran my own EQ emu server with perl scripting.


If anyone has a good tutorial on shapeshifting spells ect... or anything id appreciate it.


Or just a list of all the game functions if there is one.

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For the record, you need to know that we don't really discuss emulator/private servers on here, since with most companies, it's considered to be a violation of their terms of service. ;)

And the use of foul language is frowned upon as well.

Just so you know.


I dont know of any tuts that are directed for shapeshifting. Tho I do know that there are several shapeshifting mods available for download. perhaps by taking a look at the files from those in the toolset might help you get pointed in the right direction.

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