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Creature Animation Script


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Need help with a script that attaches a certain NIF to the Bip01 bone for specific animations, because I've given up making a sprite attached to a creature skeleton. A script that say if the creature is walking it attaches meshes/walking.nif to the bip01 bone, then when the creature attacks, it attaches meshes/attaching.nif and detaches meshes/walking.nif making it appear as animations.


I need this because I am making a Creature with Flip Controllers and Animated Textures and don't see how this is possible through traditional means. If you know a way, please tell me.

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I haven't created a skeleton yet. I tried once with a skeleton Hierarchy:

    Bip01 Idle
    Bip01 Attacking
    Bip01 Walking
    Bip01 Dead


and attached planes to it and tried to use the flip controller but it didn't work.


and I'm not sure where to start on the script.

Edited by ptowery
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