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Complete Everything Ever (Armor)


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I've been playng TES Games since Daggerfall, and along the way I found some badass armors along the way. For some reason, Bethesda completly neglected everyting for armor. I don't think the vanilla armors are quite battle ready, seen as most armors in the game have little to no actual substance of protection to the armor. Just fur. Some people might say get Immersive Armors or Common Clothes. Already have those. And don't give me that bull for one armor set per mod. Never can find it. Since Vanilla armor is the most common no matter how many mods exist, I am asking a LONGSHOT. I want a mod made so that every single vanilla armor is redone from scratch. I already have AMidianBorm everything, but I want to see someone do this. Make every armor Lore Friendly, not retextured. REMADE. No relation to LOTR, no trace of vanilla textures or meshes at all. I know this won't be made, but I know it's possible. I've attempted many times. I want the Light Armor to feel light. I want the Heavy Armor to look like it will protect me. The only thing stopping me is my lack of energy. I am lazy. But someone who is willing to make one of the best mods out there may do it. I know how, I just am too lazy. I don't want to code, I don't want to mesh. I know how, but I don't see a fitting reward at the end. Please, if someone will make this, I would be at a loss for words.

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