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More Random Oblivion Gates with Bosses


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I have came and gone to Oblivion over the past 5 years.. And I really love the game, and I do think it would be something that I will always enjoy.

BUT, there's one thing about TES in general, that always always bothered me. Extremely huge amazing maps, but filled with the same stuff over and over... Same Ayelid textured ruins, same cave systems, etc...


Now there's been mods to make Tamerial unique.. Unique Landscapes, which is great., HUGE expansive conversion mods that add 4 times the original content, and enough new territories to keep someone occupied for a while.


but ... Oblivion Gates!


Apparently there's the opportunity for 60 gates, altho a modification allows for all 100 random gates to be accessed, and there's also Enhanced Daedric Invasion.


What I purpose, is a Mod that would add more than the random seven Daedric Oblivion Gate worlds, and perhaps an opportunity for more variations?












Even just some simple new lands would be great...


Maybe on a couple of these? Just huge boss battles with the stone being the prize? A simple plot of land, lava, and tons of enemies, and a gate and the stone?

Just something to switch up the monotony?


I was also thinking this would perhaps be nice, because modders could make incredibly huge enemies, without the worry of clipping.


I would love to see different variants and new creatures, altho MMM and others have done a great job on this, and I do not know how difficult it is to mod such a thing.


100 possible random gates that pull from 7 variations seems kinda out of balance.


(My apologies if this mod has been done, I have searched, but would be very appreciative if someone linked)

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The thing with Oblivion gates is that you actually have to make them, and making lands takes a lot of time. Then you still have to make the NPCs, clutter the realm, and place some creature spawns. Very time consuming work. Would take almost a whole day to make a Gate look nice and have no bugs. Then you'd have to make some more and... 7 more would take nearly a week to complete. I'm all for this though, if I wasn't as busy as I am I'd try to make one for you... I have about... 3 or 4 projects I have planned and sketched (big projects I sketch out. Such as a certain Halo related mod thats been hanging around my wall for about 4 months.)
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EDIT, thanks for responding!!

I totally dig all the modders that can actually pull this stuff off.


... humn... Even making duplicates with variations would be cool too lol


Is that possible? To copy a realm, and just make it MORE difficult?

That would be easy enough... I suppose..


I am almost more curious if TESIV:Oblivion would even take a "random" gate and accept it?

You know?...


I will add, that I have made some mods, but they were soo buggy, and I felt soo lost with the CS that I just didn't think it would be a good idea to continue?

I was thinking about it, and dinking around with the editor (and I do not even know how to properly use this thing) But it would be a great idea if executed correctly.


New lands, I know for a fact, even with Fallout were kinda difficult, as I tried a few, but failed.

I couldn't imagine how it is in Oblivion. heh.



It would be epic, to even have 7 more Oblivion Gate worlds?



Instant replay value.

Edited by alividlife
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I agree it would be good to have more, I have 3 big projects I'm modding on, I need a bit of a creative breather from them, tell you what, no promises but I will give it a try and see if I can make this. Seems to keep coming up as a major want so.....I will give it a go.
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Oblivion does take "random" gates. It takes a gate randomly from its list of 6-7.


Indeed, I will have to mine to the list. :)


I've made a start, number 01 new worldspace is almost done, just needs more clutter.


Should I do new interiors as well? Or stick to the randoms already on the doors...

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I'd say do whatever you creatively feel!



God I wish I had the "brain" to understand and actually pull off modding!!!


Really .. just do anything at all! :)



If I have to do the same 7 oblivion gates 30 times just because?.. ugh.... no thanks. I do think that if this is done right, it would be a very popular mod.

I searched quite a bit, and I did not find anything about "Random Gates Mods" But I would love to hear other suggestions.


New interiors creatively done might be interesting?... Having to jump and navigate a tower? Shrug, I would definitely copy some of the traps if possible.


But honestly, I am just happy that I am not the only one bored with the same 7 levels.

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I could do some interiors for you if you'd like :D (I honestly have too much free time these days... I can't really do much with my projects because I don't have enough of the models that I need :P)




I learned here, if you'd like to take a look. I started with scripting, but you should start with the Beginner's Guide to get the feel of the CS.



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I could do some interiors for you if you'd like :D (I honestly have too much free time these days... I can't really do much with my projects because I don't have enough of the models that I need :P)



Yes please, any contributions for interiors or even worldspaces is most welcome. :D

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Just so you guys know, I will happily be the test subject!


I am running aroundish 200 mods and Qarls, and everythings smooth here, so I will happily crash my game if it doesn't work out hehe.

I have a backup of my data folder in place.


BTW, I am happy this is actually now an actual idea, and no worries if it doesn't pan out, -- I will have to go over the CS with that beginners guide.

I have only made really "dirty" mods, accidentally moving things I did not intend to and such.



just wondering, are there any other request such as mine available to read?

I am curious what others have said on the subject.

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