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I have a large list of preferred mods that I like to play with. I have played with them countless times before with absolutely zero problems. However, I decided to install a mod for New Vegas called "Dust: Survival Simulator."


During the installation, it asked to replace the maintheme.mp3 installed by Digital Nightmare, main_background.dds installed by NMC Texture Pack, Main_title.dds installed by Main Title change, and FNVIntro.bik which already existed in the base game. I agreed to all except for maintheme.mp3 and FNVIntro.bik.


I played it for some time before deciding to want to place the game regularly again. After uninstalling the mod, however, I get an error every time the game loads to the main menu. First, the error is with JIP Weapon Overheating mod stating that the menu has been install incorrectly and might need re-installation. I am unable to do anything besides close the game. After installing and uninstalling as directed, I get the same error. After uninstalling and booting up again, this time I get an error for Weapon Mod Menu. After doing what it directed and failing to fix it, I uninstalled it, too. I relaunched the game and it gave me an error for Project Nevada. So I said that was the last straw. I uninstalled all my menu mods and launched the game. When I did, I was greeted with a pure pink screen, a hue that usually signals a texture error. Upon trying to load a save, it tells me all my saves are corrupt and gives all of them the designation #0000.


Confused, I uninstalled every last mod I had installed and tried again. The game worked perfectly fine. I reinstalled all my mods and placed them in the same load order and the problem persisted. I decided to install only a few of my mods at a time. Starting with the first top of my load order. Everything worked fine until I installed anything after JIP Overheating. I moved all the mods that require a menu to the bottom and still got the same error. Finally calling it quits, I uninstalled Fallout New Vegas entirely and reinstalled the game and all of my mods, again, in the same load order. I did not install Dust a single time during this install. The problem still continued.


Unable to think of anything else other than tearing apart my load order bit by bit or requesting help, I decided to post my problem on the Nexus forums in hopes someone somewhere has the answer to my problem.


Below I am attaching my load order text file. I am also attaching the content of my FalloutPref.ini file in text file form due to the fact that I have also made changes to it, Fallout.ini, and fallout_default.ini recently. What is included in FalloutPref.ini is standard for all three files. I am not sure if it is relevant, but I would like to provide as much information as possible in order to have the issue resolved.


Thank you for your time. I hope that someone can assist me in solving this problem.






Additional Information: The mods I use that change any menu files include Project Nevada, Project Nevada Extra Options, Mod Configuration Menu, Arwen Realism Tweaks, Flashlight NVSE, Selective Fire, JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating, The Weapon Mod Menu, NMC Texture Pack (Medium), Unified H.U.D. Project, and User Interface Organizer. If you need any more information, please let me know.


Update: After uninstalling every menu mod with the exception of NMC Texture Pack, when the game loads to the main menu, it shows a black screen with the Fallout HUD (Empty HP and compass on the bottom left, empty enemy HP in the bottom middle, empty AP and ammo on the bottom right) before a windows error pops up stating that FalloutNV has stopped working and needs to close. Screenshot attached below.





Edited by ReconArbiter189
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