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Questions about OOO


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I started playing Oblivion again recently (Skyrim got me in the mood) and I took another look at OOO and I have to say it is an awesome mod, fully deserving of its title of best mod of 2006. But there are a few things that bother me though. I just finished the mage guild quest line and while I was able to do most if it with no cheating just using what I get in OOO but the last mission was INSANE! I walked into a room and about 4 necromancers, 4 spectral warriors, and some zombies and skeletons all attacked me at once! I tried only getting a few of them at once but the moment I attack one person they yell and everyone else comes running to help. In the end I went threw most of it with about 4 companions.


When I got to the last fight not even with those four companions I had was I able to beat him. I had to use god mod because at first he didnt seem too hard but than after I hit him about 3 times he summons an army of minions and the moment one dies he summons more. He also has an insta kill spell and is apparently immune to silence and mana drain in any form because that was the only thing I used the entire fight be he did not stop dishing out god spells.


Btw that was all with a lvl 15 character using no cheating (other than god mode at the end) I also tried doing it with a lvl 31 character but ALL attribute and skills I modded to lvl 255 and still needed to use god mode. Am I supposed to bring like an army of people with me or something?

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Hmm, if I'm not mistaken, isn't that supposed to be endgame material with OOO activated? As in level 45-50?


I could be wrong here since I don't use OOO, but from what I understand of it, it does this sort of thing.

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