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Could someone make me a brain (bot)


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Hi. Just started on the modding, but I am having trouble using blender to change any models. I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to make me two modified brain bots. I think it would be relatively simple. I just want to put Rex's skullcap/brain as the top half of an eyebot. And the second one is similar. To replace a protectron's white skullcap with rex's skullcap/brain. I hope I'm not violating any unwritten rules asking this, but it's going to be a while before I can make any progress on 3D modeling. And would anyone recommend some good tutorials of editing nif's with blender or whatever utility most people use for NV?
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Im not sure, but could you not do this via the geck.

I know if you make a robobrain or something as an npc, go into the NPC editor in the geck, there is a tab for replacing sections.....alough I have a feeling that it is only for replacing robobrain parts.


for instance, you could make a normal robobrain - but give it the robobrain miltary headm and military tracks.....Kinda like mix and matching.

as for modeling tutorials and such, you'l want to ground yourself in blender .


I just learned about this guy today, but man, his tutorials are FANTASTIC.


This might be a bit too fast, but its the only link I have on had.

All his other tutorials are advanced, but his older tutorials will make you a blender pro in under three hours or so, youll know your stuff.



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