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Height and weight, what is it in real sizes?


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So considering that is is given in numbers, where i guess 1.000 represents the average height and weight, how tall and heavy would such a person be in real life in inches and lbs, or cm and kilos? And how much difference would a change of 0.1 make?
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0.1 makes a somewhat noticeable difference.


But there's no set numbers for what it equals. 1 is more or less "average height". In modern times on Earth, that's one thing. In medieval times, another. People were somewhat shorter back then. So on Nirn? It could be anywhere from 4 feet to 8. Comparing people to objects in the game doesn't really work either, because who knows how big these fictitious objects would be in real life? They would make their clothes, armor, and swords sizes relative to themselves.

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Thanks for your reply Megatarius. I just thought there might be some more or less official definition. Would make it a little easier to line up the races in my game... i think i read it on some japanese modder sites once where they described their characters as being this tall (and then saying what the height modifier for the race was), but i can't find it anymore.


So then, maybe we can find out what difference 0.9 is compared to 1.0 and 1.1. Would it be an actual 10% or is the formula more complicated? Most races use much lower modifiers, and there is a visible difference between a Nord and a Bosmer. However it is very hard to gauge the actual difference, since they hardly ever stand still next to each other, lol...


Hopefully somebody already has done some math on it, or at least an educated guess.

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