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Fallout CTD=Annoying! Help?


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Ive been having this issue for awhile now, when I play Fallout 3 or New vegas theres always a crash to desktop after an hour of playing or during a save/load. The only time the game will work is when I play it in windowed mode but I really want to play fullscreen. Ive disabled several programs that might interfere but the game still crashes!
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Im haveing one hell of an issue. I cant even get past the main menu of the off the disc game. no mods no nothing. ive tried windowed mod and everything i just keeps crashing when i try to start a new game.


Some things that you can try.


  • Do an arctic boot of the computer. Power it down all the way. Turn off the power supply if you have one. Take out the power plug from the computer case. Go have a smoke for 5 minutes. Come back, plug it back in and try it then. This has worked on several occasions for a variety of PC issues including games for me. What I think happens (just my idea, not proven or tested) is that a tiny piece of code gets stuck in an auto-repeat loop in the RAM and that just having power going into the machine allows it to repopulate on start up.
  • Check updates for your video drivers. Don't necessarily rely on Windows or whatever OS you're using to find the most current. I'm running Vista 64-Bit and it still didn't find the Nividia driver update that, among other programs, had a patch specifically for New Vegas. I found the update through Game Booster.
  • Another thing that helped me out was rolling all installed video codecs back to basic. This program on the Nexus DirectShow Filter _Codec_ Reset resolved a number of video issues I was having.
  • Also, even though you might have a awsome as hell system like me :D, I found an insane boost to having a stable game and a massive boost to FPS just by modifying the default Ultra-High settings only on the acotr fade by reducing it to half instead of full.

Hope any on this helps.


BTW, what version of Windows are you running? Maybe running it in compatibility mode could help?

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In regards to saving issues: This works for me on New Vegas so it might work for Fallout 3 as well. As long as your issue is saving or loading after the game has loaded a save at startup, then I have a so-so fix that works devently for me. When you're game first loads up, open the console and type in "player.kill" without the quotes. This will kill you and load up the last saved game. You should be able to save after this. I used this once around hard-save 175 and didn't have any more saving issues until I hit around save # 500 a few days later (found a key-binder mod for hard saves. no more going into the main menu). The only difference is now I have to enter it in every time I start to play. A small inconvience but one I'm willing to pay for being able to play an extremely modded and probably unstable build of the game.
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Im running windows 7 on a laptop. it may not be the bes but it sai i would run it on low quality. but even on low quality in window mode i can get to the main menu and hit new game but it crashes during the first loading screen. it starting to tick me off because i bought the game almos six months ago and have been cai\rring it around with me for ever and when i finaly find comp that might play it it wont. why is it crashing when i know the laptop can handle it?
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