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Grab/Pickup/Activate/Loot Distance Error


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Hello everyone!


I just installed fellout, enchanced weather, street lights, and MZC and now my Grab / Activate / Pickup distance has been increased exponentially. Let me put it this way, sitting with my toons back flush against the door that leads to the metro for OA I can loot a raider I shot on the other side of the parking lot adjacent to me. I could also open the gate to that parking lot from the same distance. I'm pretty sure my toons arms aren't that long.


I was just wondering if there were console commands to view the Grab / Activate / Pick up / Loot distance and if I could then use a console command to change them (aka lessen it)....


Thanks a bunch! If you would like to know my load order I will be happy to post it here later on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone!


I just installed fellout, enchanced weather, street lights, and MZC and now my Grab / Activate / Pickup distance has been increased exponentially. Let me put it this way, sitting with my toons back flush against the door that leads to the metro for OA I can loot a raider I shot on the other side of the parking lot adjacent to me. I could also open the gate to that parking lot from the same distance. I'm pretty sure my toons arms aren't that long.


I was just wondering if there were console commands to view the Grab / Activate / Pick up / Loot distance and if I could then use a console command to change them (aka lessen it)....


Thanks a bunch! If you would like to know my load order I will be happy to post it here later on.


This is an old post, but I'm running into the same problem and wondering if you ever found a solution.


I've tracked it down to the G key--pressing it enables this magic telekinesis behavior, but if I don't I have a normal reach. I've since rebound my grenade hotkey to avoid this. It must be from some FOSE mod, but I'm not sure which one.

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