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legendary weapons (not cheating)


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the idea is a new series of weapons/armors (perhaps in sets) that are forged using other uniques found throughout skyrim to create something new. ie dragon priest masks, deadra artifacts, and other unique armors and weapons could be reshaped to be the tools of your destiny. i'm not asking for anything overpowered, mostly it'd just be new meshes i'd be interested in and a new way to look at some of the uniques. if you're interested i can try and pen and paper up a couple drawings of sorta what i mean

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But.. But... mah artifacts!


...Actually, I guess I wouldn't mind if they were treated as upgrades. Like, reforge a unique weapon into a different, stronger unique weapon of the same type. Provided I dig the look of the new ones, anyway. Goodness knows most of them could use it.


It's definitely doable, anyway. Some mods already do something like this, letting you forge a two-handed sword out of a one-handed, etc. The trick would be finding someone to actually, you know, make all the assets and get them into the game. It sounds like quite an undertaking.

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