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Ring with all power


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I just dont understand scripts at all.


I was hoping to put PSB into a Ebony diamond ring so I can simply wear it and have all spells [and custom spells and powers]


But the PSB command is strictly for Console command. Is there a advanced script for the ring giving me all the powers, even custom ones?


I do not wish to be rude but im not gonna search further or try to make this script on my own.


May i ask for help or make it a request for a ring like that?

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Well, you could of course add to the script "Player.AddSpell SpellID" with every spell ID, but it'd be one massive script and you'd probably go crazy creating it. Other than that, only thing I know of to do it is PSB, which is, as you said, a console-only command. Like TGM, or TCL.


Thats what im saying!


I might have too but i dont want too. Unless there is a quick way to Copy+Paste the ID's into the script and manually add "Player.addspell" [which i dont mind]. It be too much without help.


If i could get help, I Add this large amount of scripts, Then the next person, then the next, then once all the normal ID spells scripts are in, it comes right back to me to add customs.

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The rules will state to Double post is not the right thing to do but i had to make a response on my findings.


So far even when i used this script in a enchantment or all by itself with a Ring, i do not get the desired magic and customs spells, Magic past Spell ID 02001c97 are custom spells i made and are not to be taken accounted for.


The Script used in the ring was to give me them when i wore them. Permanent upon wearing one or to lose them as soon as i remove said ring.


The script is:


"scriptname XemgoaAndFurypowering02Script


Begin ScriptEffectStart

player.addspell 00047AE7

player.addspell 00047AD5

player.addspell 0006A8EF

player.addspell 00047AE9

player.addspell 00047AD3

player.addspell 0006A8F8

player.addspell 0006A8F4

player.addspell 0006B6A3

player.addspell 00047AD0

player.addspell 0003BEDB

player.addspell 00047ADF

player.addspell 0006A8F6

player.addspell 0006B69D

player.addspell 0006A8F1

player.addspell 0006B69F

player.addspell 0006B69E

player.addspell 0006A8F2

player.addspell 0006A8F5

player.addspell 00022A43

player.addspell 0006A8ED

player.addspell 00022A3A

player.addspell 0006A8EC

player.addspell 0006A8EB

player.addspell 00022A66

player.addspell 0006B6B1

player.addspell 00047AE4

player.addspell 00014D23

player.addspell 0003BEDC

player.addspell 00022A63

player.addspell 0006B6A2

player.addspell 0006B6A0

player.addspell 0006B6A1

player.addspell 00047ADE

player.addspell 00022A6C

player.addspell 000CB623

player.addspell 0003BED9

player.addspell 00047ADD

player.addspell 0006A8EE

player.addspell 0006A8F0

player.addspell 0006A8F7

player.addspell 00047AE3

player.addspell 0006A8F3

player.addspell 00022A41

player.addspell 00047AE0

player.addspell 0003BEDA

player.addspell 000A97C1

player.addspell 000A97FE

player.addspell 000A97A7

player.addspell 00071090

player.addspell 0006D67E

player.addspell 0001C12C

player.addspell 0001FBB4

player.addspell 000A97A8

player.addspell 000A9800

player.addspell 000A982A

player.addspell 000A981D

player.addspell 000A9806

player.addspell 000A97C2

player.addspell 0001CEED

player.addspell 000A9824

player.addspell 000AA071

player.addspell 000AA06C

player.addspell 000A97C3

player.addspell 000A97A9

player.addspell 000A981E

player.addspell 000A9801

player.addspell 000A982B

player.addspell 000A9836

player.addspell 000A9808

player.addspell 000A981F

player.addspell 000A982C

player.addspell 000A9837

player.addspell 000A97C4

player.addspell 000A9802

player.addspell 000A97AA

player.addspell 0007108A

player.addspell 000A97AB

player.addspell 000A9803

player.addspell 000A9807

player.addspell 000A9805

player.addspell 0006EF34

player.addspell 000A982D

player.addspell 000A97B4

player.addspell 000A97B7

player.addspell 000A97B8

player.addspell 000A97BA

player.addspell 000AA068

player.addspell 000A97B9

player.addspell 000A97B3

player.addspell 000AA069

player.addspell 000AA05C

player.addspell 000AA05E

player.addspell 000AA05F

player.addspell 000AA063

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player.addspell 000A97B6

player.addspell 000A97BB

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player.addspell 000AA059

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player.addspell 000A97BD

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player.addspell 000AA062

player.addspell 000AA05B

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player.addspell 000C7626

player.addspell 000C7627

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player.addspell 000A97D2

player.addspell 000A97D3

player.addspell 000A97DF

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player.addspell 000A97F3

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player.addspell 000A97E4

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player.addspell 000A97F0

player.addspell 000A97EB

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player.addspell 0003C3E9

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player.addspell 0003C3EA

player.addspell 0003C3EB

player.addspell 000A97E7

player.addspell 000A97EC

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player.addspell 0003C3D6

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player.addspell 000A97FC

player.addspell 000A97E5

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player.addspell 000A97F1

player.addspell 000A97D4

player.addspell 000A97F2

player.addspell 0003C3F1

player.addspell 000A97A4

player.addspell 0003C3EC

player.addspell 0003C3ED

player.addspell 0003C3EE

player.addspell 000A97E8

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player.addspell 000A97ED

player.addspell 0003C3D7

player.addspell 0003C3DA

player.addspell 000A97FD

player.addspell 000A97F6

player.addspell 000A97E6

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player.addspell 0004C915

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player.addspell 000A97F9

player.addspell 00014720

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player.addspell 0003C400

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player.addspell 0003C402

player.addspell 0003C403

player.addspell 0003C3DF

player.addspell 0003C3E0

player.addspell 0003C3E4

player.addspell 0003C3E1

player.addspell 0003C3E2

player.addspell 0003C3E3

player.addspell 00084B14

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player.addspell 000A97AE

player.addspell 0001C4AD

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player.addspell 000AA032

player.addspell 000AA033

player.addspell 000A97C6

player.addspell 000A97C9

player.addspell 000A9825

player.addspell 000A981B

player.addspell 000A97CE

player.addspell 0003C3F8

player.addspell 000A97D0

player.addspell 000A982F

player.addspell 000AA035

player.addspell 000AA034

player.addspell 000A97AF

player.addspell 000A9826

player.addspell 000A97C7

player.addspell 000A981A

player.addspell 000A97AD

player.addspell 000A97D7

player.addspell 000A981C

player.addspell 0006D67B

player.addspell 000A97CA

player.addspell 000A9827

player.addspell 000A97CB

player.addspell 0006D681

player.addspell 000A9838

player.addspell 000A97D1

player.addspell 000A97FF

player.addspell 000A9830

player.addspell 00027441

player.addspell 000A97BE

player.addspell 0006D678

player.addspell 000A97D5

player.addspell 000A97B0

player.addspell 0006D67D

player.addspell 000A97CF

player.addspell 0003C3F9

player.addspell 000A97D6

player.addspell 000A97BF

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player.addspell 000A97D9

player.addspell 0005DCC0

player.addspell 0005DCC1

player.addspell 0008D1E9

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player.addspell 000A9831

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player.addspell 000A978C

player.addspell 000A978D

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player.addspell 000A9367

player.addspell 000A936C

player.addspell 000A978E

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player.addspell 000A979A

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player.addspell 00000136

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player.addspell 000A979B

player.addspell 000A979D

player.addspell 000A979E

player.addspell 000A979F

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player.addspell 000A9812

player.addspell 000A9820

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player.addspell 000A9814

player.addspell 000A9815

player.addspell 000A9816

player.addspell 000A9817

player.addspell 000A9818

player.addspell 0003C406

player.addspell 000A9822

player.addspell 000A9368

player.addspell 000A9823

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player.addspell 000AA03C

player.addspell 000AA03F

player.addspell 000AA042

player.addspell 000AA040

player.addspell 000AA044

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player.addspell 000AA047

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player.addspell 000A9794

player.addspell 000A9796

player.addspell 000A9799

player.addspell 000A979C

player.addspell 000A9369

player.addspell 0003C3FA

player.addspell 0003C407

player.addspell 000C7661

player.addspell 000A9809

player.addspell 000A980A

player.addspell 000A980B

player.addspell 000A980C

player.addspell 000A980D

player.addspell 000A980E

player.addspell 000A980F

player.addspell 000A9810

player.addspell 000AA03A

player.addspell 0008D1EA

player.addspell 000A9793

player.addspell 000A9795

player.addspell 000A9797

player.addspell 000A97A1

player.addspell 000A936A

player.addspell 000A9821

player.addspell 0003C409

player.addspell 000AA03B

player.addspell 000C7662

player.addspell 00083714

player.addspell 000CA0CA

player.addspell 000CA0CB

player.addspell 000CA0CC

player.addspell 0005E155

player.addspell 00027442

player.addspell 02001c97

player.addspell 02000ed8

player.addspell 02000edc

player.addspell 0200311a

player.addspell 0200236e

player.addspell 0200311c

player.addspell 04000ed7

player.addspell 02001c99

player.addspell 02000ed4

player.addspell 02000ed6

player.addspell 02000ede

player.addspell 04000ed4

player.addspell 02000ee2

player.addspell 02000ee0

player.addspell 02001c91

player.addspell 02001c92

player.addspell 020015be

player.addspell 020015ba

player.addspell 050015b3

player.addspell 02003116

player.addspell 040015ae

player.addspell 02000ee4

player.addspell 04000eda

player.addspell 02000eda

player.addspell 02000ed3

player.addspell 01000ed9




Can this be modified?


again, as you can i tell im simple minded and need excruciatingly so simple explanations on how scripts work. and now to piece one together and which one does "exactly in lay mans terms".


Can anyone set this script the right way? am i missing something?

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Change the script type to object, then the Begin ScriptEffectStart to Begin OnEquip, and then copy all the AddSpells, then after End hit enter one-two times, then type Begin OnUnequip. Then paste the AddSpells, and start changing them to RemoveSpell... This is why you probably can't find anything like this, it's a hell of a job to do...


If I knew a shorter way, I'd tell you it to save you time, but I don't... sorry lol

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Also, don't use FormIDs for custom spells. The first two digits of a FormID depend on the load order of the mod. If your mod (with the desired custom spells) is the second to load after the Oblivion.esm, the first two digits of each custom spell will be 02.


If your load order changes (i.e., your mod becomes third, fourth or later) the first two digits of the FormIDs of the spells will no longer be 02 and your script will not add them to your spellbook.


To avoid this issue, use the EditorIDs of the spells instead. Example: use Player.AddSpell PwRaceRedguardFortify instead of Player.AddSpell 00047AE7 to get the Adrenaline Rush greater power. That way, the script will work for custom spells regardless of load order.


I'm also pretty sure there is an OBSE function that lets you use console commands in scripts, but I could be wrong.

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Thanks, i knew about that so i made spells that did that and it gave me my custom items!


Thanks, i wanna know this script thing so i can use psb in a ring without complaints.


But for now im asking for help, heck if someone were to make this script for me. ^_^;


So far im trying to learn how to script :P

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