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Does SetPlayerTeammate 1 toggle?


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I have a companion topic I am modifying with a result script SetPlayerTeammate 1

I also added a SetPlayerTeammate 1 to the AI package added by the topic.

My problem is if I run the topic once and sneak in front of the companion I get pickpocket option i.e. Teammate = 0.

Then if I run the topic again straight after I can sneak and talk to the companion i.e. Teammate = 1.

This is not my mod I am just modifying it for my own game so can’t give the whole script.

I just want to know if setting Teammate to 1 multiple times actually toggles it on and off?

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No, it's not a toggle.

SetPlayerTeamMate 1 turns it on, and

SetPlayerTeamMate 0 turns it off.


I've had it in a Greeting topic once with a test NPC so that it would run SetPlayerTeamMate 1 every time and it didn't toggle off.

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Ok thank you.

It’s turning itself off somewhere I just have to find it. That’s the fun with modding other peoples topics with packages being added and removed in each topic option plus a script running in the background that’s doing the same.

Thanks again

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