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[WIP and Request] Le'thereon


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Heyo everyone,


Just wanted to say first off hand that this is the first topic I've made on these forums. I checked everywhere to make sure I was posting in the right place, and used the correct context. If I was still mistaken, my apologies. Well on to the fun stuff. So for the longest time I wanted to make some kind of custom mod, mainly just to have fun with my own personal character. I'm very limited in what I know or am able to do in modding, and the use of the construction set. So to make it brief I posted a request for help, and feed back on here.


My Idea is simply this:


The name of this "profession" would be the Le'thereon (Lethe is one of the rivers of Styx in Greek mythology that erases a souls memories and it Greek it means "oblivion" lol.)


To create a custom class that uses "dark energy". I wanted to achieve this not only with magic, but with the outward appearance of the basic class armor. Obviously oblivion is one of those "classless" game, but you still have a "focus". So obviously if you had a person who focused in perhaps "conjuration", would basically be a Summoner. I haven't yet created the back story for this "magic" or for the profession itself. Though I have searched and searched for a mod like this. I got a very small "lick" of a taste of this in Midas's magic mod, which still blows me away at how many unique spells he created. After taking a look at his mod in the construction set, I see its not as hard as I thought.


Dark Energy Spells:


So I guess on with it....Well here goes. To be more specific there's a couple spells I'm looking to make, and trust me I wouldn't be asking for everyone input if this was easy. I want to create "black energy" graphically to use with my magic as well. The two main spells I'm looking to make is black energy that you can use as a weapon, and an aura of dark energy. For the black energy as a weapon, I experimented with using a bound weapon spell similar to midas's bound weapons. That worked out pretty well. An alternative to that would be to some how "ignite" the weapons with the dark energy. That way you could still use a weapon of your fancy or a ranged one as well. The other problem I have with the dark energy being used as a weapon, is I want it to deal "unique" dmg. I don't want the dmg to be fire/lightening/ice/drain/poison. I just want to basically create a "dark element".


The aura of dark energy is a tad different. The point of the aura is to drain life from any attack that hits you. So its kind of a reverse drain, that also nullifies the damage you take, while the attacker still looses there life force. So its like say you take 20 dmg, but at the same time are healed for 20 life, and the attack would take 20 dmg. In a sense a mixture of reflect damage, drain life. Still not sure how the aura of dark energy should look.


Dark Energy Armor:


There's plenty of evil looking armors out there, but I wasn't sure I wanted some kind of heavy armor. My basis of my idea so far was this:

(keep in mind the armor in the screen shot is from another game, and is probably 128x128 res, IF that):





Which I have broken down on my computer as dds. I myself don't have the skills to be able to rig, create bones, and lol UV spectrum (i failed horribly at trying to mess with dds files, and had no idea about vertices, UV skin and such even after 20 different tutorials, yes even the youtube tut on importing armor to 3DS max) . This is the part I'm probably the most limited with, since I was never able to successfully convert an existing mesh or texture into nif format. So if anyone wants to help here's the files:






So let me know what you think, and I guess I'll go from there.


Here's some more screen shots:


This could be what it could look like while casting/summoning the dark energy:






This is what I was thinking for the dark looking aura, or at least a start of casting it:






Here's some more images of it:

















So i've posted this on another forum, but had no luck from anyones input even. I really need help doing the texture/mesh work, but I'm willing to try and learn how to do it myself. I got basically all the programs at my disposal, its just making a custom mesh/texture isn't easy. I'm planning to make this a armor/magic and story mod. Don't got much experience, so this is probably gonna be a huge project. Please let me know what you guys think.


I also take no credit for these mesh/textures. Simply looking to import them into oblivion.




Mmm k. Messed around with blender and such. No idea how this turned out, but was able to view it in one piece in nifskope. Progress I guess. Still don't know enough about messing with mesh, and textures.


I'm guessing in the problem is the size of it, in relation to a regular oblivion size character. Also i'm guessin the axis of where it stands are off. Why do I think this? Because when I imported an oblivion body it was like spun around, and was sort of adjusted in a different default position. I basically need someone to verify this. I'll toss up another rar with all the files I guess.


Please if anyone can let me know how it looks at least. Its far from done, I just want to know what progress I made lol.


Here is the file:






As for my more solid idea behind this conceptually, I think I was able to finally figure it out. This is probably not going to be something a starting character would know, because in order to utilize the Dark Energies, you would have to be a master of magic (or at least a master of a certain style/type/category). Let me explain why. Using this power basically takes energy from the most basic fundamental levels and breaks it down until all that's left is dark energy. You could say all energy that exists can be broken down as such. So a wielder of this magic is able to do that to some degree. I'm sure the speed, and accuracy of it will be dependent on the skill of the user.


The more I thought about this, the more I liked it. Unless you can get your hands on pure energy, its pretty hard to just create it on your own. If you could do it on your own, you would basically have to be using two spells at the same time. One to be the energy source, and the other to convert it into dark energy. That's basically how it works. So I would say this specialty of magic makes you practically a beast vs anything that uses magic energy or is "made" of magic energy. The Le'thereon can simply manipulate that energies, and draw out all of what is required to "lay waste" to all that stand before it. Guess next I'll think of a more a story to it.

Edited by Silvist
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Hmm, that looks cool. That could definately work. Still wouldn't mind toying with the one I have though. The graphic quality of the current file is like 128x128 resolution, if upded to say 2048x2048 that would be some sexy looking armor.


Now I just need help making the spell animation graphics, or finding a way to use what's already available in other mods such as midas's magic.

Edited by Silvist
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