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Major Lag After Installing/Uninstalling a Few Mods


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My game has been running great until a few nights ago when I installed Angel Park 2 with Monster Mod. A ways into the mod, I ended up getting major lag and very erratic mouse whenever I would access any type of container, including bodies. I WASN'T scavenging much, including custom weapons. The only way I could resolve it was by using "PCB" in the console. After playing for a while I uninstalled both mods.


I thought that was the end of it and back to my smooth running game, but even now that those mods are gone, I am getting major lag all around in my game. 4GB launcher *seems* to be working properly, so I have no idea what the problem would be. Any suggestions and help would be appreciated.


Edit: I'm not inferring that the mods are *now* causing the lag. They didn't seem to alter any of the game files that I know of.

Edited by sqigg
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