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Random Lunch Boxes


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So as a kid mom would prepare lunch for us so we could take it to school, boy oh boy how we all wanted to know what mother packed us. We either looked right away or waited until lunch. Since fallout shelter was released I had an idea to add random items to lunch boxes so you could open the lunch box in your inventory and then boom! a fat man right there or just a teddy bear the possibilitys are endless, if you want it to be immersive just make things that only fit in lunch boxes like caps or scrap metal or bullets. Please if someone can either make this mod or head me in the right direction so I can make it myself. Thank you for reading and I hope this inspires someone to make a mod similar or better.

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This got me thinking about the 'key chain' and how it accesses your individual keys, because for the life of me I can't think of a container you actually pick up and open within your inventory, and access individual things from that said container.


It would be easy to make the lunchbox a container, and to stock 30-50 different ones in the game world by just replacing the vanilla spots (as long as no dependent references relied on them), but having them act as a inventory container is beyond me, and also something I really haven't seen much of before.


Maybe someone has a genius idea I haven't heard of that cold help you though, I know there has to be some sort of way to accomplish this.

Edited by SKYZOO
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I feel as though it would take away from immersion if we would be able to use them as containers in your inventory so maybe make it one way. So add like one the box is opened destroy it and make it into scrap metal.

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@devinpatterson I sent you a PM out of confusion, but I think I found what you were talking about. It was requested by Skyviper086, "Open Nellis Hanger". http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2954284-open-nellis-hanger/?hl=%2Bhangar But if you wanted to you should release that as a resource, I know I've always wanted the same type of thing for New Vegas as I'm sure a lot of others have... :D


@bloothe That could be implemented I imagine, but that would involve scripting, and that's not my best territory. :blink:

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@devinpatterson I sent you a PM out of confusion, but I think I found what you were talking about. It was requested by Skyviper086, "Open Nellis Hanger". http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2954284-open-nellis-hanger/?hl=%2Bhangar But if you wanted to you should release that as a resource, I know I've always wanted the same type of thing for New Vegas as I'm sure a lot of others have... :D


Ooops, right you are

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