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Akame ga kill Teigu


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So i was just wondering if anyone would be willing to create the Teiigu from akame ga kill as achievable weapons in this game, I realize some would be too hard but most seem at least do able with the current things that are in the game. Teigu are strong weapons that would be a fun addition to the game, from a giant pair of scissors that can ignore armor to a gun the gains strength as you take damage to a set of armor that boosts strength and can turn invisible. It would be a great mod and I figure if made over time slowly adding weapons it could really pick up in popularity. One other group started making a mod like this but only made one Teigu and part of another but they abandoned the project and has said that anyone can use their files. I figure this would be a great start.


here;s the link to the people who have offered up their work, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55883/?

and here's a link to all of the weapons, http://akamegakill.wikia.com/wiki/Teigu, this will have links to what each do aswell.

please help make this a reality and thank you in advance.

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