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Basic Teleport spell......or so I thought.


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I've posted a follower:


I wanted to have the player be able to summon the follower to them self when they wanted the follower's help. I created a spell book using the following script from CK Wiki's Examples page.



I have the spell working fine on my system, but users are telling me it's not working. From what I can tell, it's related to the object properties. As it is, the spell casts the MGEF on the caster using a target self delivery and then pulls the follower reference to the player.. As I said, it works on my computer making this difficult to troubleshoot.


Either way, my solution has left this as an incomplete fix. Assuming that by putting the follower in her own space before being summoned fixes the summoning spell, there becomes an issue if the follower is dismissed. She just stays in that spot where she was discharged and won't go anywhere.


What I was thinking is if someone could help me re-script this follower so that SHE is the one who casts the teleport spell on herself using the condition of being in the current follower faction to cast it.


My spell would only change her faction to current follower. When that happens she will teleport to the player if she is more that "X" distance away. And then again when not in the current follower faction, she will teleport back to her hidden room.

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Not sure if this the answers you're looking for, but there's a much simpler summon script here: http://skyrimmw.weebly.com/skyrim-modding/making-a-simple-summon-spell-skyrim-modding-tutorial


I dont claim to be an expert, but I wasn't sure about the place at me line in your script. Place will add a base value actor..


Additionally, does your summon script work for anyone? Either way; test the above and send out a test esp to those who have raised the issue. Hopefully, they'll be willing to test for you.

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