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AddForm Script Not Firing

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I... Feel quite stupid, now. Again.


Well, the script finally compiled. The books didn't appear int he merchants' inventories, from what I saw, but I'll wait a little while before I confirm that it hasn't worked.


Thank you for your help thus far. If it turns out to not be working, I'll post again. For now, though, your help has proven invaluable.

I don't call that stupid, it's just an easy oversight and I fell for it myself :smile:


Other things if the LL's aren't updating and you were using the method of OnInt() to fire the state or even just directly call a function instead from OnInit().


OnInit() will only fire when the Quest starts up and it won't fire if the quest is already started.

So if your loading a game save that's already has the quest loaded and running, then OnInt() won't be fired until the the quest is stopped and started again.

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Yeah, thanks again. I'll definitely need to look into another way to fire the script, since it won't work on old saves, and may not be working on new ones (it takes 3 in-game days for everything to refresh, if I'm not mistaken. It'll be a while before I've confirmed that).

Edited by GreatSilentOne
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