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Donation Subscription


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This is a suggestion for a new donation option:

A monthly donation of the user's choice is automatically withdrawn from their bank/card monthly and distributed automatically based on which mods they currently have installed and which mods they have endorsed. In order for a mod author to get a piece of the pie, the user must have their mod installed and enabled. If the user has also endorsed the mod, the author gets a larger share of that pie. Of course, participation would be purely optional.


I understand that the logistics of it may be rough or impractical, but I feel it is worth suggesting in case it sparks any other ideas. I just made a donation to an author, but I could not help thinking that making one donation to one author is not necessarily fair, considering how many mods by other authors I use. If I could have split that donation among the authors of all of my mods, without visiting each of their profiles and deciding how to work the split, I would do so gladly. I think the convenience of it, coupled with the relative psychological ease of making one donation each month instead of, say, 50, might make donations more frequent and wider reaching.


Anyway, it is just a thought.

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