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Power Armor Scaling.


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So this and PAI will be my Power Armor mods that need compatibility.

I can't find a good way to hook the ref of the npc wearing power armor, or a good method to implement it other than the armor's associated obj script. I'll try asking around.


So until I do this is only for the player, but it is a quest script and independent of changes made to the various power armor forms. It does, however, rely on a formlist containing all the vanilla/base power armors (ArmorGannonTesla, ArmorRemnantsTesla, DamWarPowerArmor, ArmorTeslaPower, ArmorPowerT51b, ArmorPowerT45d, ArmorPowerRemnants, ArmorPowerNCRSalvaged, ArmorPowerBrotherhoodOfSteelT51B, ArmorPowerBrotherhoodOfSteelT45D). It could still be overwritten by a misbehaving mod if that mod wipes out the PA formlist, but that is pretty unlikely.


Obviously you have a custom power armor, so I can add it to teh PA formlist via script. Until then it will only work with the PAs listed above.


It's here, try it out with the vanilla PAs and shoot me the esp of your costume armor. I won't need any assets, just the armor ID, but without your esp the script will probably throw an error when it tries to compile with an unknown ID.

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Funnily enough, I'm trying to get this in my game as well after noticing how ridiculous the "heavily armored" people look.

I've been digging away all night at this, and still can't find a way to make a script effect everyone using certain armours.

I managed to find these pages that are somewhat related


And that's pretty much it on people trying to do similar things. I hope someone figures this out, cause I really want scaled power armour as a standalone mod too

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Yeah, I tried getContainer a few nights back, and it worked for the player, but not NPCs. I may muck around with it some more. I may also make the world or go model a full suit of standing armor (as opposed to the current neatly folded bundle) ala fallout 4.


But the process is much more complicated on my end because Manus812 want's a separate mod that doesn't impact the weapon form (meaning I can't use the armors object script). So I may have to ditch that idea, and he will have to integrate the script's themselves when he adds other mods that alter the weapon form. It's not hard, just have to basically copy and paste the text into a new script then select it from the drop down box.


The current one he's using works fine on the player and is a quest script so it's pretty bullet proof against being overwritten by other mods (as long as those mods don't completely wipe the power armor formlist), but making a quest script hook all the ref's using power armor hasn't been something I'v been able to achieve :sad:

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In your first iteration of this you said you managed to make it work for everyone, including NPCs, how did you get that to work?

Also, I can see about making standing power armour, A la operation anchorage reward room, and FO4. it shouldn't be that hard seeing as an easy way to do it is to just set the biped model as a static, however it doesn't include the gloves and the helmet.

I'll give that a crack now and see what I can come up with


Edit: I also tried to take a look at the PPA mod to see if I could reverse engineer the power armour scaling component but it's buried in a lot of script and quest stuff, so perhaps somebody more proficient in scripting would make better use of that?

The only thing that I could tell from it is that it uses a token, and from there applies a script which does the scale. Still couldn't see a way of how they targeted (got the ref) any NPC wearing the armour

Edit2: The FO3 version of the mod uses this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/14342/? to be able to add an item to every NPC, so perhaps this tied with tokens that set the scale?


Edit3: I've managed to make a quest script that detects actors in the cell the player is in and adjusts their scale to 1.15 if they're wearing a powered armour in a list. It requires FOSE. But it works.

Doing it this way seems to be the best course of action on getting the NPCs to scale as doing it through armour effects/object scripts just haven't worked at all for me apart from getting it to work for the player.

Also creating a dupe of the quest/script and changing the values to from 1.15 to 1.00 and making the list == 0 works for reversing the effect. However it takes a second or so for the size to apply. Which is fine. The only problem I have now is fact the setscale script doesn't work on dead bodies (if you kill someone in PA and take it their corpse will still have the scale of 1.15). The size difference of 1.15 isn't that noticeable on stripped bodies and may just have to be something we have to live with.

So what I'm planning on doing is to apply the script from the thread I linked above onto the armour separate from the NPC script, as that one works for the player as opposed to the quest script working for NPCs

SCN PAscalescancell

ref rCurrentRef
float fscale

Begin GameMode

	set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 200 1 0 ; Actors
	Label 10
	if rCurrentRef
		if rCurrentRef.GetEquipped PAlist ==1
		if rCurrentRef.GetScale != 1.15
		set fScale to rCurrentRef.GetScale
		rCurrentRef.SetScale 1.15

		set rCurrentRef to Pencil01 ; Prevent apple bug
		set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
		Goto 10
Edited by ilyasw
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In your first iteration of this you said you managed to make it work for everyone, including NPCs, how did you get that to work?

In the 6th post I wrote that I was using the getSelf function incorrectly, which is why there were additional iterations.


Also, I can see about making standing power armour, A la operation anchorage reward room, and FO4. it shouldn't be that hard seeing as an easy way to do it is to just set the biped model as a static, however it doesn't include the gloves and the helmet.

Thanks, but I'v got that one covered.....it's part of a larger PA project I'm pondering. I was just thinking out loud, not requesting. I'v already done the same to make statues of other critters. It involves importing a pose into blender. The gloves and helmet aren't a problem.


Edit2: The FO3 version of the mod uses this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/14342/? to be able to add an item to every NPC, so perhaps this tied with tokens that set the scale?

That's ref walking, which I'm trying to avoid, it can be costly in terms of cpu cycles.

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That's ref walking, which I'm trying to avoid, it can be costly in terms of cpu cycles.


I'm guessing edit 3 of mine is also costly in terms of CPU cycles, as well as pretty dirty.


I've got it so it works, but it doesn't update immediately and in some larger areas it causes a crash. It's really bugging me how I can't get it to work as an object enchantment either

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You may want to use lutana's plugin if your going to be using reference walking.


You need to call a disable followed (at least one frame later) a enable to get dead actors size to update.


Offhand I'm not sure why a object effect isn't working, an alternative is a pulse resulting in a CIOS by the actors affected (used during the battle of Hoover). The player sends out an area affect, script based effect, the script being a check on whether PA is equipped (checked via formlist), and if so firing off a setScale command. Havn't tried it in this context, just spitballing.

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You may want to use lutana's plugin if your going to be using reference walking.


You need to call a disable followed (at least one frame later) a enable to get dead actors size to update.


Offhand I'm not sure why a object effect isn't working, an alternative is a pulse resulting in a CIOS by the actors affected (used during the battle of Hoover). The player sends out an area affect, script based effect, the script being a check on whether PA is equipped (checked via formlist), and if so firing off a setScale command. Havn't tried it in this context, just spitballing.


Have you been able to figure anything out for this yet? Because I've met a brick wall with my attempts

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