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Dead Money coming to PC


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Well, the DLC Dead Money is coming to PC, and apparently there's is also even more content on the way.


Lets hope that new content includes patches for GECK, cause we really need those :P



Edited by jhardingame
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well, they have already said that there will be 4 DLCs for now (and they are planning on a total of 8, from what i remember)


however, i don't know how good these will be

if Dead Money is a sign of how the other DLCs will be, than we are waiting for one hell of an awesome release (i've seen a full Dead Money playthrough, and it was one of the coolest things i've seen)


there is the problem that no DLC will stop the game from ending (like Broken Steel for FO3), but i guess we can live without this (i mean, there isn't all too much to explore and do in New Vegas, and the great mods that'll solve this are probably going to be released in some time, so we'll probably get at least one more DLC before there will be many of these)


don't know about any fixes for the GECK, but i'm just waiting for stuff to make the game interesting

compare the game, even on hardcore, to FO3 with FWE, MMM and BoE, and New Vegas will look like an empty desert, compared to how awesome FO3 is (and most of it isn't even related to DLCs)


that being said, i'm still eager to get my hands on this freaky DLC

one of the best stories i have seen, and some awesome SAW atmosphere is just what New Vegas needs :thumbsup:

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Indeed. I saw a gameplay video of the first 15 minutes of the game On Demand. It looks epic. Plus, all you have all three Followers at once! The three separate quests to recruit them are collectively known as "Assemble Your Team". EPIC!


Well... If you want to be technical, you have three of the four at once. That is, if you count Dog and God as separate characters.


When my brother heard there was a follower named Dog, he thought it was an actual dog that had a collar put on it. And since the collars are linked, you need to recruit this dog named Dog like you need to with Christine and Dean Domino. Personally, I think that'd be a pretty good idea, but a Super Mutant is still pretty cool.

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Indeed. I saw a gameplay video of the first 15 minutes of the game On Demand. It looks epic. Plus, all you have all three Followers at once! The three separate quests to recruit them are collectively known as "Assemble Your Team". EPIC!


Well... If you want to be technical, you have three of the four at once. That is, if you count Dog and God as separate characters.


When my brother heard there was a follower named Dog, he thought it was an actual dog that had a collar put on it. And since the collars are linked, you need to recruit this dog named Dog like you need to with Christine and Dean Domino. Personally, I think that'd be a pretty good idea, but a Super Mutant is still pretty cool.


actually, you are wrong about one major point you just made


indeed, you do assemble a team of followers, but you can have only one follower at a time (like i said, i watched a complete walkthrough, and i saw that the player had to switch between followers, not use all at the same time)


the thing is, each of the followers has a specific usage, first from the perk that he\she\it gives you, and then there is one part of the quest that each of the followers have a major part in

so you will need to choose carefully each time (though not too much, as there aren't enough quests or areas for you to just wander around)

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Glad this is coming out, and soon compared with how long the PS3 crowd had to wait with FO3. I can live with XBox having eclusive content for 3 months. I don't like it but it could have been a lot worse. The main issue is in avoiding any of the plot info so that three months after it hit XBox it will still contain some surprise and fun, rather than just playing through content that everyone is already familiar with.
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