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Bottle that water


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Hello everyone. First of all, sorry for my bad English, because I from Germany. So, I think many people know Bottle that water mod. Thats the problem: if you bring water from lakes, rivers, etc (in GECK water type and placeble water) you gain only unpurified water. So I want to get purified water from rivers without rads. What I tried: I created a form-list with all lakes, rivers, etc without rads. And in Target in perk (which allows you to bring water) I used IsInList My_List_with_clean_Rivers == 1. But it doesn't work. So what can I do?
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I have been using that mod for a long time and get purified water when I fill bottles from Lake Mead , or the springs near Goodsprings. If filling from the sink in the Novac motel, you will get dirty water. This does not answer your question about how to do what you are trying to do, but I suggest it should not be necessary.

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