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Mod Organizer missing Skyre_Main.esp


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Ok so this would be something simple if it was something simple. Normally I can fix these problems however, this one is completely out of my reach.


So here's the issue, I just went back through on a fresh install of Skyrim and redownloaded all my mods. This as usual goes off without a hitch and the files are good to go with no CTD's or errors. The issue falls under doing Skyre : I've never had an issue where this presented itself and furthermore it was working fine previously. I installed all the required Skyre files, and the comparability patches are good to go. Super, now my patcher says it can't identify Skyre_Main.esp, however I see the ESP in my plugins for Mod Organizer. So I tried reinstalled and doing it all over again, still same issue that it can't find the file.


Updated Mod Organizer - Nothing


Updated Java - Nothing


Insured it was running in Administrator mode - Nothing.


I've searched the internet and I can't find anything that seems to point me in the right direction so i'm coming to you guys and gals. I figure if anyone can answer this, it would be all of you.

Edited by SomeNoobWithCE
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