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GECK Help Adding Useable Container to MegatoneHome


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Hey Guys . Shhould be a simpe one for you :D Ive done it before but have forgotten :/ Basically I wish to addd a few useable containers to my megaton house/shack. Like a first aid box for my meds, ammo box for well my ammo :D and a few other boxes for different supplies and items. Im just wanting empty containers that i can use and store items in. All help is off course appreciated.
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doing such a thing is indeed very simple, and it's consisting of two steps


the first is to create your containers, which is very easy

in the GECK, under World Objects -> Container, you will find the containers in the game

choose one that is like you want to make for yourself (meaning that for instance you want to make an ammo box, then choose an ammo box), right click on it, and choose Edit

give it a new ID, and click ok, and when asked if you want to make a new instance, press yes


now, open your new container, end change whatever you want about it (the name, if you want it to have a special name, make sure that it doesn't respawn, and empty it)


then, there is the second stage, which is actually adding the container to your house

the house's cell ID is MegatonPlayerHouse (it's called Empty House)

once this specific cell is loaded, just drag and drop your container into the cell, and move it to the place where you want it to be, and that should be it


hope this works for you and helps :)

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Yes This is exactly what I needed to know. Well the first step anyway. I had been dragging existing containers into the megaton house but on loading the game they wouldnt open. I had forgotten i had to make a new instance of them. Thx for the quick and accurate advide. Much apreciated. You get a gold star ! :D
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