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What to do to download Enhanced Character Edit mod


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Greetings all, Goonlock here new to the nexus but years old subscriber at the workshop.


I have continued to stick with manual installs myself and have had little to no problems, until ECE.

As far as i can tell I have it installed correctly. CME.esp, ECE.esp and RaceComp.esm register in DataFiles.

My problem now is a CTD at menu. No other new mods were installed and activated with or after ECE.

I do however have over 200 previous mods still active.


I'm hoping it is something as simple as establishing proper load order amongst the other 200 mods and/or

the 3 ECE items themselves. Or conflict between ECE and one or more other mods.

I'm not overlooking the fact that I very well could have improperly installed this, I just REALLY hope it's

something different before I go manually combing through my Data folder.


My question is, does anyone here happen to have any prior knowledge as to any mods that have caused

problems with ECE?

Or what the preferred load order for ECE may be if any?

As i type this I have thus far tried arranging the 3 items (grouped) at position 2 in the load order, because i need

SMIM at 1. Also the 3 at second to last in the load order because I need Garbon to be last. Both times, top to

bottom, CME to ECE to RaceComp.


Thank you in advance for your time and any insights. Gods bless you

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Turns out ECE is not very compatible, if at all with Racemenu, which I had already had installed. I have not yet tested yet if ECE will work once I disable Racemenu, which if i do i will report as well, although from what I am seeing from others experiences it seems likely to be the case. I could have sworn too that one of the previous mods I downloaded needed ECE to be installed prior to it in order to prevent overwriting of files or something like that, now I can't even find my notes on it. Anyway, like I said I will report back should anything else need be said about it, for now I think I will leave ECE installed but inactive since I like RM. Totally nothing against ECE since I haven't even tried it obviously, I just hadn't done my homework enough on it and am now seeing that the upgrades I was looking for by way of ECE are too available for RM via Nexus. For anyone interested ECE is appearantly also incompatible with Ashen Race, BFG - Better FaceGen, SG Female Textures and More, Vampire Face Less Sunken Cheeks Please use Option - No Vampire Cheeks and Ethereal Elven Overhaul. Thanks to Bushi Neko for this info on Steam.

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