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Please help, his face color is different with body


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the maker is not active these days so I hope someone can help me



Please fix his head because I gave him different armor then I saw his face down to neck has different color from his skin below the neck, I thought the armor gave him some color change but when I check it by "console removeallitems" I saw that his head/neck has a skin problem...


I've been looking for a good royalty follower and I now I found it (voiced follower) but it has some wrong things... I hope you could help me fix this, thanks in advance!


also if possible, can someone change the color texture of his armor, to make it more lorefriendly?

Edited by EddieConnor98
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I already downloaded it... I will try again maybe I just mixed up some file :smile: thanks mate, also I hope someone could retex his armor hahahha

Edit: still not working, maybe I should replace the one in the bsa file...

Edited by EddieConnor98
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