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Shader causing ctd


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I've been working on my glowing items mod and I've ran into a problem. every time I try to pick up an item that has a shader applied to it the game crashes.


This is the esp.


scn aaaaGlowingItems

ref	rCurrentRef

Begin OnEquip player
	set bscan1 to 1

Begin OnUnequip player
	set bscan1 to 0

Begin GameMode

	if bscan1 == 0
		Label 20
		if ListGetCount aaaaglowingitemsform
			set rCurrentRef to ListRemoveNthForm aaaaglowingitemsform 0
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim
			rCurrentRef.stopMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim

			Goto 20

	elseif bscan1 == 1
		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 31 1 0
		Label 1
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemssCaps == 1
				if rCurrentRef.GetIsID Caps001
					rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
					if aaaaGlowingItemssCapsDim == 0
						if aaaaGlowingItemssCapsGreen == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsRed == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsBlue == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsWhite == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsYellow == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsPink == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsPurple == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsDim == 1
						if aaaaGlowingItemssCapsGreen == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsRed == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsBlue == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsWhite == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsYellow == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsPink == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssCapsPurple == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim 1
					set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
					set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
					Goto 1
		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 31 1 0

		Label 2
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypins == 1
				if rCurrentRef.GetIsID Lockpick
					rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
					if aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsDim == 0
						if aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsGreen == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsRed == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsBlue == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsWhite == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsYellow == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsPink == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsPurple == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsDim == 1
						if aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsGreen == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsRed == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsBlue == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsWhite == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsYellow == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsPink == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
						elseif aaaaGlowingItemssbobbypinsPurple == 1
							rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim 1
					set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
					set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
					Goto 2

		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 25 1 0
		Label 3
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemsBooks == 1
				rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
				if aaaaGlowingItemsBooksDim == 0
					if aaaaGlowingItemsBooksGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
				elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksDim == 1
					if aaaaGlowingItemsBooksGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsBooksPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim 1
				set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
				set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
				Goto 3

		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 26 1 0
		Label 4
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemsClothing == 1
				rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
				if aaaaGlowingItemsClothingDim == 0
					if aaaaGlowingItemsClothingGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
				elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingDim == 1
					if aaaaGlowingItemsClothingGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsClothingPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim 1
				set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
				set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
				Goto 4

		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 27 1 0
		Label 5
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemsContainers == 1
				rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
				if aaaaGlowingItemsContainersDim == 0
					if aaaaGlowingItemsContainersRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
				elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersDim == 1
					if aaaaGlowingItemsContainersRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsContainersPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim 1
				set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
				set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
				Goto 5

		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 29 1 0
		Label 6
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemsIngredient == 1
				rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
				if aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientDim == 0
					if aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
				elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientDim == 1
					if aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsIngredientPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
				set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
				set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
				Goto 6

		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 31 1 0
		Label 7
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemsMisc == 1
				rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
				if aaaaGlowingItemsMiscDim == 0
					if aaaaGlowingItemsMiscGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
				elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscDim == 1
					if aaaaGlowingItemsMiscGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsMiscPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim 1
				set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
				set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
				Goto 7

		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 41 1 0
		Label 8
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemsAmmo == 1
				rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
				if aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoDIm == 0
					if aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
				elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoDIm == 1
					if aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAmmoPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim 1
				set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
				set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
				Goto 8

		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 47 1 0
		Label 9
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemy == 1
				rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
				if aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyDim == 0
					if aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
				elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyDim == 1
					if aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsAlchemyPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim 1
				set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
				set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
				Goto 9

		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 24 1 0
		Label 10
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemsArmor == 1
				rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
				if aaaaGlowingItemsArmorDIm == 0
					if aaaaGlowingItemsArmorGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
				elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorDIm == 1
					if aaaaGlowingItemsArmorGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsArmorPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim 1
				set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
				set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
				Goto 10

		set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 40 1 0
		Label 11
		if rCurrentRef
			if aaaaGlowingItemsWeapons == 1
				rCurrentRef.ListAddReference aaaaglowingitemsform
				if aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsDim == 0
					if aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple 1
				elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsDim == 1
					if aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsGreen == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreenDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsRed == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRedDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsBlue == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlueDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsWhite == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhiteDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsYellow == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellowDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsPink == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPinkDim 1
					elseif aaaaGlowingItemsWeaponsPurple == 1
						rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals  aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurpleDim 1
				set rCurrentRef to Pencil01
				set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
				Goto 11
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I am looking over your file ,PM me your real name so I can place that into the files "Authors" section of the file.

I work with shaders.

it may be over kill...too much applied in any one group or cell as I can see so far.

OR it may be simply shader14...it is known to be bad...so replace it with shader 13 instead.

I am not going to edit nothing but reset it's internal data ,,all of that is missing..Question: what data do you have installed ?

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So far I found this:


MASTERFILE: Script 'aaaglowingitemsmobile' in file 'Glowing items V2 Fallout 3.esp' has not been compiled.
Script aaaglowingitemsmobile has text but has not been compiled.
MASTERFILE: Armor 'aaaaGlowingItemsGlasses' needs to have biped slots selected in the editor.



I'll let you fix that if the geck doesn't mess it up when I close it out.

you say there is a item that has issues, which item and where is this item At ?


let me know when you get it fixed, it's yours after all.

mods are one thing the game crashing is another.


IF this is FOSE? then that's why it won't compile for me, I don't use Fose.

Edited by Purr4me
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it may be over kill...too much applied in any one group or cell as I can see so far.

it looks like if the item has been in my inventory. it causes the crash when I pick it up with the shadder applied. I've done some testing this morning and the only items that caused the crash were items I dropped and picked back up. really didn't expect this.




OR it may be simply shader14...it is known to be bad...so replace it with shader 13 instead.

What do you mean shader 14?


I am not going to edit nothing but reset it's internal data ,,all of that is missing..Question: what data do you have installed ?

Wdo you mean mods? I've tested it with only the base gaema dn this mod and it still crashed.


So far I found this:

That was a failed attempt to let me configure what will glow from the the pipboy, but I couldn't get it working so I deleted it. this script didn't need fose.

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ok so No fose, but the script remains in the plugin.

I'll remove the script and reset then, send it back too you too test.

Is that alright?

Yeah, I didn't know the script remained in the plugin after it was deleted.

the script posted in hte op needs fose, the one you found didn't.

Edited by bwins95
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ok so try this first and see If I screwed it up (http://www.2shared.com/file/jkatF-gN/Glowing_items_V2_Fallout_3.html)

scripted items will cause problems because scripts run all the time, but if you make them in other way's it's not so bad.


It's your mod hun, so it's your decision how you make it. Every one has a nitch, the trick is to find it.

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I haven't looked yet but I have a sneaky feeling the Glasses Item is linked to default code...possibly the lady scientist Glasses.

IF so, then yeah, it's gonna crash the game.

I copied a random pair of glasses and made some changes to them to suit my needs.


Would that really cause picking up items that have been in my inventory after dropping them to crash the game?

Edited by bwins95
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