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Oblivion Graphics


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If you not already have OBGE (Oblivion Graphics Extender) then you want to have this. ( please read read me and FAQ)


On your bloom and HDR question it generally depends on hardware and waht you want to do with oblivion. HDR looks better but if you want to make screen shots you need an external screen shot program, it is the other way around with Bloom and screen shots .

But you need to modify the Oblivion.ini to set under Bloom internal screen shots "bAllowScreenShot=" to 1 to make screen shoots.

This is only an example of what is the difference there are more.

Edited by SilverDNA
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What are good mods to enhance oblivion graphics ? I Have Qarltp3 and Natural weather... Oh and what is better Bloom Or Hdr ?


Yeah, you really need OBGEv2. I can't believe a game as old as TES4 has been...renewed so well....you'd think that you're playing a fantasy version of Crysis. But you must learn how to install it (and its prerequisites) and its plugin support so you can change settings in-game. Then you must read the documentation (that comes along with it) to know how to use it:


Activate the miscellaneous item in your char's inventory, then close inventory. OBGE Shaders options will appear. Press shift and L-click to activate a shader, press ctrl and L-click to deactivate. L-click on a shader to access its sub-settings.


But I'm telling you, it is worth it.

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