ThaLuuksta Posted February 6, 2011 Share Posted February 6, 2011 Since the NV geck won't check the scripts, i don't know what is wrong. scn Companion001Script ;Name of the script. Change to something you want short Follow ;Is it on Followshort Stay ;Is it on Stayshort Activated ;For use with the buttonsshort Button ;Same as aboveshort IsSneak ;Get is in Sneakref self ;Itself Begin OnLoad set self to GetSelf ;Set the Reference to what you placed this on. SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1 ;Does it ignore Friendly Hits? Default yes End Begin OnActivate ;When you 'talk' to it If self.GetDead == 0 ;If it isnt dead, proceed If IsActionRef Player == 1 ;Is the person or object 'talking' to it is player, proceed ShowMessage Companion001 ;Show this message box. Set Activated to 1 ;Sets 'used' state so it will not repeat EndIf ; OPTIONAL if you want them to know if the pet is unconcious elseif self.GetUnconscious == 1 ;Is the person or object is Unconcious ( Essentials ) ShowMessage Companion001Unconscious ; END OPTIONAL ; NOTE: The below only works if you DON'T want your companion to be 'immortal' aka cannot die. elseif self.GetDead == 1 ;If the above failed to check, is the this ref dead? If so proceed, if not next statement. Activate EndifEnd ; OPTIONAL for Companion being hit by the PlayerBegin OnHit Player ;if you shot it or hit it with anything If Follow == 1 || Stay == 1 ;checks to see if its a teammate to you. if not this wont go. ShowMessage Companion001Hit ;the message to show when it is hit. optional. delete this if you want. Endif End; END OPTIONAL Begin GameMode if GetPlayerTeammate == 0 ;Loops each time it is not a Teammate. ( Avoids some bugs like them attacking passives etc without being provoked. SetPlayerTeammate 1 endif If Activated == 1 ; Do NOT touch unless you know what you are doing. Only edit the commented lines. set Button to GetButtonPressed if Button > -1 set Activated to 0 if Button == 0 Set Follow to 1 Set Stay to 0 ;OPTIONAL for the Map Marker If IsInInterior == 0 Companion001MM.disable ;Change Companion001MM to your Map Marker REF Endif ; END OPTIONAL evp set Activated to 0 elseif Button == 1 Set Stay to 1 Set Follow to 0 ;OPTIONAL for the Map Marker If IsInInterior == 0 Companion001MM.MoveTo player ;Change Companion001MM to your Map Marker REF Companion001MM.enable ;Change Companion001MM to your Map Marker REF Endif ; END OPTIONAL evp set Activated to 0 elseif Button == 2 If Follow == 1 OpenTeammateContainer else ShowMessage Companion001NoFollow ;Change to your NoFollow message. evp set Activated to 0 endif endif endif endif If Follow == 1 && self.GetUnconscious == 0 && self.GetDead == 0 If Player.IsSneaking == 1 && IsSneak == 0 Set IsSneak to 1 evp elseif Player.IsSneaking == 0 && IsSneak == 1 Set IsSneak to 0 evp endif If Self.GetDistance Player >= 5000 ; Just in case it gets lost. Self.MoveTo Player Endif Endif End Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quetzlsacatanango Posted February 6, 2011 Share Posted February 6, 2011 Hard to say since you didn't use code tags... Do you have a message named Companion001 ?Without it, it won't compile. Use GECK powerup, it will enable the script error messages. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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