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Preaching to the Other Modders:

David Brasher

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You want modders to organize your downloads for you?

Just rename them yourself. That way you don't get the random string of numbers at the end, either.


Next time I'll take the filename and convert it from base36 to base10 D:


Edited by whalecakes
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Yeppers, I just did a mod clean up of my list this weekend and thinking about it, I have many mods and patches like that too. Readmes named Readme doesn't bother me, but the mods being named the way in the examples David list is plain annoying. I always keep a copy of my uninstalled mods in a separate file and I had to look into it several times to figure out what a mod was.
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meh heh heh :uploads mod named "mod001. :devil:

On a serious note, I would agree with Nadimos. This topic should be included in the (Oblivion Mod Questions)? section. I am not sure of which section it would go in, but it is a good topic that should be addressed. Maybe a "rules of uploading" topic should be started in the forum for people to read before uploading, unless there is already and existing one, in which this should be added, +sorry for the long train wreck of a sentence above :( . I dislike when a mod is named with numbers, and you are not currently using it and you check it off anyways because you have no idea what is it. Definitely a good topic to start and it should be pinned.

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OK, correct me if I am wrong here, but didn't most of the mods carry over from TESSource, and wasn't there an issue with the data base being hacked and or corrupted? And didn't it cause a lot of mod archives to lose their names and there after just become numbered files? And didn't they lose a lot of the uploaded screen shots at the same time?


I seem to have a vague recollection of this, or maybe I just dreamed it.

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