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Finding Character .NIFs


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If you havnt installed any body mods they will be inside the meshes BSA folder, open with OBMM or something simulair.


meshes/charactors/_male/ upperbody,lowerbody,hand,foot ( addfemale to the start for female body meshes, but body meshes are shared.

For heads meshes/charactors/imperial/headhuman.nif and the beast races should be in there own folder name.

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NPCs all use the same .nif files. They have their own facegen settings (like what you use to make your character at the start of the game), which is what controls how they look. It's not an actual file, though, it's part of the save or plugin.

Wrye Bash has a face import function you can use to copy NPC faces from plugins to your character, and vice-versa.

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Sorry I shouldn't have jumped the gun and assumed all my problems were gone. I used Wrye Bash to import a face (I right clicked on my mod, chose import face, and then selected a save file with my character whom I wanted to be the NPC) but the face turned out to be 100% different from the one I had made. No clue whats wrong here. (FYI again, my chracter was made with a mod installed (Corean mod) could this be a problem?) Edited by Doomguy87
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